Check out these 9 signs of PCOS, don't hesitate to consult your doctor!

Everyone makes effort to keep their body and mind in a healthy condition. However, when everything is done, hormonal disorders such as PCOS are still possible. The conditions experienced by these women must then be addressed wisely, so that they don't interfere with your agenda.

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Get to know the condition of PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This syndrome is known as polycystic ovary syndrome in Indonesian, and is defined as a hormonal disorder experienced by women during their childbearing age. The most common signs are disruption of the menstrual cycle and an increase in androgen hormones in a woman's body.

Naturally, a woman's body of childbearing age will produce cells but will not ovulate. When ovulation does not occur, the ovaries will produce large amounts of fluid-filled sacs.

If the existing cells cannot develop properly, can be released regularly. This cyst will develop in the ovaries, and produces androgen hormones which has a role in high levels of these hormones in a woman's body.

There is no definite time or period when a woman is at risk of this PCOS condition. But the risk increases when women experience puberty, and when they are between 20 and 30 years old. It is not uncommon for this condition to also occur in women who are on a pregnancy program.

The most common characteristics and symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome

Some of the most common characteristics and symptoms when someone experiences this condition can be seen in the following points.

1. Irregular periods

The first and most obvious sign is that the period cycle is irregular. It could be that you only have period less than 8 times a year, you have a shorter period cycle, such as 21 days, or you don't even experience period at all.

2. Large numbers of cysts appear in the ovaries

PCOS also shows symptoms where there are many cysts in the ovaries. This occurs as the size of the ovaries enlarges because during menstruation this part produces fluid-filled sacs that expand and enlarge. This sac is not selected for maturity, and remains in the ovary.

3. Excessive hair growth occurs

The third characteristic is the presence of excess hair growth. This condition is called hirsutism, and appears in around 70% of women with PCOS. This is often associated with increased androgen hormones.

4. Acne appears

In most women, acne before menstruation is normal. However, sufferers of this condition experience acne on the face, chest, and upper back. This condition is triggered because the body is oilier than usual, thus triggering acne to appear.

5. Skin looks darker than usual

There are some areas of skin that will appear darker. For example, in the folds of the neck, groin, and breast folds. This symptom is quite clearly visible because it can be observed without using any tools.

6. Abnormal Body Weight

Weight gain or loss is a normal thing that a person experiences. However, in people with PCOS, their body weight tends to be abnormal. It can be very difficult to lose weight, or you can experience significant weight gain that is unusual.

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7. Moody Swings

You certainly understand the mood changes that accompany the period cycle. This can also be a sign of this condition, which is triggered by irregular hormone levels in the body.

8. Hair Feels Thinner

In fact, in contrast to the previous condition, PCOS sufferers can also experience significant hair thinning in several areas. This means that if the hair you have feels abnormal, either too much or suddenly thinning, it could be a symptom of this condition.

9. Skin Tag appears

As you know, skin tags are excess skin that appears on the surface. The size is not too large, and often appears in the armpit or neck area. Medically, skin tags are not dangerous and are not contagious. But if it starts to bother you, maybe it's a good idea to get yourself checked out.

Several studies also state that there are other signs of this condition, namely difficulty in conceiving or getting pregnant. Women who experience this condition do not experience regular ovulation, so fertilization is difficult.

This makes it difficult for sufferers to get pregnant, because they cannot determine when the fertile period is, which can ideally be predicted using the menstrual cycle.

What to Do to Treat It?

In fact, PCOS cannot be completely treated, but there are many ways to reduce the symptoms and detrimental effects of this condition. You can look at some here, while others you can consult with your trusted doctor.

  • Lifestyle changes. This method can be used to improve the symptoms of PCOS itself. In fact, losing at least 5% of body weight can restore reproductive function. Consuming healthy food and exercising regularly will be the simplest things you can do.
  • Use medicines according to doctor's recommendations. The doctor may recommend several medications that can help you deal with this condition. Recommended drugs include that are insulin sensitization agents, ovarian stimulation drugs, and birth control drugs.
  • IUI and IVF to have children.

Of course, every care and treatment carried out should be based on recommendations from your trusted doctor. With an in-depth examination, you can get the most effective and appropriate steps to deal with the PCOS condition you are experiencing.

Also Read: International Health Insurance, Who Needs It?

In fact, PCOS is a big challenge for women and couples who want to have children. Various treatments can be done to relieve symptoms and deal with the effects that arise from this condition. Of course, this treatment will be more perfect when you have the right insurance product, such as SmartMedicare International Insurance from AXA Insurance Indonesia. This insurance provide comfort for you and your family's health, protected by insurance benefits with coverage regions worldwide including Indonesia with a maximum annual limit up to US$2.9 million. Variety benefits can be obtained by having this insurance. Let’s take a closer look insurance from AXA Insurance Indonesia, and maintain a healthy lifestyle for a brighter future!


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