8 Causes of Left-Sided Chest Pain: Don't Take it Lightly

Various health complaints can arise from many things. Mild complaints such as left-sided chest pain or headaches in certain areas can indicate the body is experiencing less-than-ideal conditions.

Many causes can trigger left-sided chest pain. However, one of the most widely known by the public is due to heart problems as the vital organ is located on the left side of the chest.

However, is that the only underlying cause?

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Types of Pain

If you have ever experienced pain in the chest area, you may not realize the sensations that arise can vary. Some may come with a sharp stabbing sensation, some may feel in a circular or specific area or any other sensations.

Moreover, these diverse types of pain are linked to various triggers. You can be more careful in identifying the source of discomfort, ensuring detailed information for further examination with a doctor.

It is also essential to recognize the various possibilities that could trigger the pain. Furthermore, it will be discussed in the following points.

Various Triggers of Chest Pain on the Left Side

To find out the triggers for left-sided chest pain, we provide some explanation below that may help. Here is the explanation based on various sources.

1. Heart Attack

Becoming one of the most well-known causes, a heart attack occurs when the heart muscle is damaged due to not receiving enough oxygenated blood. Some cases of heart attacks begin with left-sided chest discomfort and gradually worsens. In other cases, the onset of pain can be abrupt and severe in the left or central chest area in other cases. To caution against heart attacks and enable early treatment, other accompanying symptoms include feeling pressure in the chest as if squeezed, experiencing pain in the left or right arm, feeling stabbing pain in the neck, jaw, back, or stomach, experiencing shortness of breath, feeling a burning sensation in the chest, nausea, vomiting, and feeling lightheaded as if fainting.

2. Angina, Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease

In Indonesian society, the term angina is more commonly known as "angin duduk" ( translates to "sitting wind"). This condition is not a disease, but one of the symptoms of coronary heart disease. Angina occurs when a person's heart does not receive enough oxygen supply from the blood. The resulting pain feels like pressure or squeezing in the chest area. If left untreated, this pain can spread to other parts of the body, including the neck, arms, shoulders, back, jaw, and even the teeth. If the sensation is accompanied by cold sweats, nausea, dizziness, weakness, and shortness of breath, it is advisable to immediately check yourself to the doctor to ensure your condition.

3. Problems in the Pericardium

The pericardium, also known as pericarditis, consists of two thin layers that envelop the heart and aid in keeping it in position. When inflammation or infection sets in, stabbing pain can occur on the left or middle side of the chest. This pain may also manifest in one or both shoulders. Pericarditis can be strongly suspected if the pain occurs alongside several other symptoms, including coughing, excessive fatigue, palpitations, swollen feet, mild fever, sharp chest pain worsening with inhalation, and shortness of breath.

4. Inflammation of the Lungs

Lung inflammation, called pneumonia, can happen due to infection. Another type of inflammation affects the pleura, the membrane covering the lungs, known as pleurisy. One symptom that occurs is intense left-sided chest pain that worsens when breathing. This symptom is often accompanied by coughing or feeling short of breath, similar to after exercising.

5. High Blood Pressure in the Lungs

In this context, lung hypertension means high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. These arteries carry blood to the lungs to swap carbon dioxide for oxygen. Pain can happen when the blood pressure in these arteries rises sharply, disrupting blood flow and exchange. It's important to see a doctor promptly for examination if you experience this condition.

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6. Musculoskeletal Problems

Issues in this category typically don't involve major organs like the lungs or heart. However, these problems still require attention due to the significant risks when they're not promptly and properly addressed. Some problems included in the musculoskeletal category such as fractured or injured ribs due to accidents or collisions, strained or torn chest muscles, and inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the chest bone.

7. Left-Sided Chest Pain due to Digestion

Digestive problems can also cause pain on the left side of the chest. Acid reflux or GERD are the digestive problems in question, and they're common causes for pain in this area. GERD occurs when stomach acid moves up into the esophagus, typically after eating or lying down a few hours after a meal. Along with chest pain, other symptoms may include a burning sensation in the chest or upper abdomen, a sour taste in the mouth, and a feeling of stomach contents flowing back into the throat.

8. Panic Attack

Panic attack can also be a trigger for this pain. A panic attack is a sudden and uncontrollable feeling caused by  anxiety. Usually panic attack  comes with other symptoms, such as:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Shaking
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness or dizziness
  • Sweating or feeling cold
  • Nausea
  • Feeling like choking
  • Intense fear

A person’s mental health conditions can weaken and hurt the quality of someone’s life. Furthermore, panic attack conditions can also trigger depression and other destructive thoughts.

9. Early Identification and Prepare the Right Insurance for Emergency Conditions

Now that you're aware of the possible triggers of left-sided chest pain, you have more comprehensive information to respond to it. In many cases, chest pain in this area can be a sign of a condition that requires proper treatment to prevent it from becoming a bigger issue.

In this context, it's important to have the right health insurance. For example, insurance from AXA Insurance Indonesia, such as SmartMedicare Domestic Insurance, can provide many benefits for the necessary medical care in response to emerging symptoms.

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SmartMedicare Domestic Insurance offers coverage for both inpatient and outpatient treatment costs, along with other benefits included in the policy. It's essential to carefully review the terms and conditions to ensure you get all the benefits. Observe the symptoms that cause left-sided chest pain as described above, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and trust in the reliable insurance provided by AXA Insurance Indonesia for these matters!


  • https://www.alodokter.com/nyeri-dada
  • https://www.ekahospital.com/better-healths/jantung/penyebab-dada-sebelah-kiri-sakit-selain-serangan-jantung
  • https://www.alodokter.com/apa-penyebab-sakit-dada-sebelah-kiri
  • https://www.halodoc.com/artikel/nyeri-dada-sebelah-kiri-bisa-jadi-penyakit-ini-penyebabnya
  • https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/25119-left-side-chest-pain
  • https://www.mitrakeluarga.com/artikel/waspada-nyeri-dada