Stay Alert: Early Symptoms of 11 Common Neurological Diseases

The human body is incredibly complex, with a strong defense system and good regenerative abilities. There are still some diseases that are quite threatening because they require very intensive treatment. Let's dig deeper into various neurological diseases known around the world.

According to the official Siloam Hospitals website, neurological diseases are disorders or damage that occur in the human nervous system. These conditions can directly affect the body's ability to regulate and coordinate all its activities, from cognitive functions and motor coordination to even mood regulation.

To learn about the types of neurological diseases that should be watched out for, here is some information for you.

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1. Alzheimer's Disease

The first neurological disease is Alzheimer's. This disease can cause memory loss, impaired thinking ability, and drastic mood changes. This neurodegenerative disease means that a person's brain function deteriorates over time. The main symptom is severe memory loss. At certain points, a person may even forget themselves, experience behavioral changes, weakened speaking and language abilities.

2. Parkinson’s Disease

As a degenerative neurological disease, Parkinson's affects the body's ability to control movement and balance. Symptoms include tremors, muscle stiffness, slow movements, and severe coordination problems. However, the disease does not show significant symptoms in the early stages, often just mild, continuous tremors in one body part when at rest.

3. Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a neurological disease that often occurs in children, affecting their motor skills and body coordination. Patients may also experience intellectual disabilities, vision problems, hearing issues, speech difficulties, and sometimes joint and spinal problems. It is believed to be caused by brain development issues during pregnancy. Although there is no cure, proper therapy can help improve the quality of life for those affected.

4. Multiple Sclerosis

Triggered by an autoimmune disorder affecting the brain and spinal cord, this condition occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks myelin, the fatty layer that protects nerve fibers. Common symptoms include numbness in certain body parts, difficulty maintaining balance, and vision problems. Without proper treatment, serious complications like paralysis, balance issues, vision problems, and loss of bladder or bowel control can occur.

5. Epilepsy Condition

Epilepsy is perhaps the most well-known neurological disease, characterized by excessive electrical activity in the brain. This condition can cause recurring seizures without any clear trigger. It is strongly believed to be caused by genetic factors, head injuries, or excessive alcohol consumption. There are no visible symptoms before a seizure occurs.

6. Stroke

Stroke is a severe, long-term disease requiring extensive care and is often described as dangerous. It occurs due to a blockage or rupture of blood vessels around the brain, disrupting blood and oxygen supply and potentially causing permanent brain damage, loss of consciousness, or sudden death. Early symptoms include asymmetrical smiles, weakened movement in one side of the body, slurred speech, numbness, blurred vision, and sudden severe headaches.

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7. Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy is a medical condition involving weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles, likely due to inflammation of the facial nerve. It can be triggered by viral infections, middle ear infections, or continuous exposure to cold air on one side of the face. Symptoms include a drooping face on one side, uneven smiles, and inability to close one eye.

8. Vertigo

Vertigo is a neurological condition that can disrupt daily activities, causing dizziness and a spinning sensation. Sufferers may lose balance, find it hard to stand, and feel nauseous or vomit. While short episodes may not disrupt activities, prolonged vertigo can ruin plans and activities.

9. Raye Syndrome

This syndrome is less common in Indonesia, Reye's Syndrome is a viral infection that can cause fatal brain swelling. It primarily affects individuals with low immunity and those who frequently use aspirin-containing medications. Symptoms include persistent headaches or dizziness.

10. Central Nervous System Infections

Bacterial and viral infections can spread to unexpected body parts, including the brain and spinal cord. While not very common, the risk exists and should be watched for. Symptoms include fever, irritability, refusal to eat, headaches, stiff neck, and seizures in some cases.

11. Meningitis

Meningitis is a serious disease due to its significant risks. It involves inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, caused by viral infections entering the body through the nose or mouth and spreading to the brain. Risks include stroke, hearing loss, organ damage, and brain damage. Symptoms include severe headaches, restricted movement due to neck stiffness, and tension.

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Good health is valuable and should be maintained through various efforts. Simple steps such as adopting a healthy lifestyle and regular health check-ups can prevent neurological diseases mentioned in this article. Although many other neurological diseases exist, understanding these 11 types can provide a broader perspective and help you make wise daily decisions. Besides preventive measures, having the right health insurance is also beneficial as unpredictable conditions can arise. AXA Insurance Indonesia offers SmartMedicare International Insurance to help you avoid heavy financial burdens. It provides comfort and protection for your health and your family's, with coverage areas and annual limits up to USD 2.9 million. As a reliable product, AXA Insurance Indonesia are ideal for protecting yourself and your loved ones. Always practice a healthy lifestyle and be aware of the various neurological diseases that can affect you!

