Note! Here Are 4 Important Rules About Electric Car Tax That You Should Understand!

Are you one of the users of electric vehicles? From many perspectives, this choice offers a variety of benefits. But one thing is certain that information regarding electric car taxes must be understood by the owner, including those of you who have or have plans to buy this type of vehicle.

Priced at a fairly high price, in fact in big cities in Indonesia the existence of cars with blue coded license plates began to mushroom. Besides being considered to reduce street pollution, electric cars are also considered more comfortable to use in dense urban areas where the streets tend to be flat.

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Acquaintance with Types of Electric Cars that Pave in Indonesia

There are at least four types of electric cars that are popular today. The difference lies in the power source used to drive the modern vehicle. The four types are as follows.

1. Battery Electric Vehicle

Or abbreviated as BEV. This electric car model does not use fuel oil at all, and relies entirely on lithium-ion batteries in the engine. The unit price tends to be expensive, because these types of batteries are produced in a complicated way.

However, when compared to conventional cars, the energy consumption used is very efficient.

2. Hybrid Electric Vehicle

The second type is usually abbreviated as HEV code. This car moves using two energy sources, namely fuel oil and electric motors. Practically, there is no need for charging in the car, because it can use an alternative to fuel oil when driving.

But for matters of lights, audio devices, and air conditioners will still use power from existing batteries.

3. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

Or commonly known as FCEV, which is a type of electric car that uses engine drive derived from hydrogen energy sources or cells. This car tends to be new and quite rare and does not have good infrastructure support so that the developers are still very few.

4. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

This fourth type is similar to HEV cars, but the main components used are different. This type uses batteries in the same way as BEV cars, but the capacity is larger. Under certain conditions, you can use the energy stored in the battery to flow electricity into the house, and function as a generator.

Electric Car Tax Regulations to Understand

Indeed, in a transition period like now, when the government promotes support for electric car ownership, many benefits are offered. But before getting to that point, the main discussion about electric car taxes should not be missed.

Before making the decision to replace your vehicle, here are some electric car tax rules that must be understood.

1. Government Regulation Number 73 of 2019

In this regulation, precisely in Article 36, it is stated that groups of taxable  goods classified as luxury goods in the form of motor vehicles will be subject to PPnBM at a rate of 15% with a Tax Imposition Basis of 0% of the total selling price.

Included in this regulation are plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, battery electric vehicles, and fuel cell electric vehicles with fuel consumption equivalent to or more than 28 kilometers per liter or have CO2 emission levels of up to 100 g / km.

2. Government Regulation Number 74 of 2021

This regulation is a change to the first rule earlier. Changes were made in several articles, including Article 36 which explains that only motor  vehicles with battery electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles technology will be subject to PPnBM at a rate of 15% with a DPP of 0% of the total selling price.

Motor vehicles with plug-in hybrid electric vehicles will be subject to PPnBM at a rate of 15% on the basis of imposition of tax of 33.3% of the total selling price. The provisions for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are regulated in Article 36A which is an additional article of the PP.

3. Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 1 of 2021

In this regulation, the focus is on the basic calculation in the imposition of motor vehicle tax and motor vehicle name return duty, especially in Article 10 and Article 11. The applicable rules explain that vehicle tax for electric cars will only be charged at 10% of the normal rate.

4. Law Number 1 of 2022 Financial Relations Between the Central Government and Local Governments

The Law on Financial Relations Between the Central Government and Local Government or HKPD Law was issued in order to support the increasing use of electric cars. Some of the electric car tax rules listed in this regulation are in Article 12 Paragraph 3d, which states that those excluded from the object of Motor Vehicle Name Reverse Duty, one of which is an electric car.

This means that electric cars are not charged PKB and BBNKB tariffs. This regulation on electric car tax is then valid for three years from the date of its promulgation.

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Plus-Minus of Electric Cars for the Contemporary Era

As you probably know, the use of electric cars is supported by the government with various regulations and even incentives directly. But still, all things come with their own pluses and minuses.

Advantages of Using Electric Cars

There are several points that are the main advantages of electric cars. Some of its main advantages include the following.

  • The car cabin is quieter so that it supports comfort when you drive
  • Cars are more environmentally friendly because the amount of waste generated while driving is very minimal
  • Long mileage on a single charge
  • Vehicle maintenance that tends to be more economical
  • Production of spare parts is much less, so in terms of factory activity it is also more environmentally friendly
  • Free of PKB and BBNKB. You will not be charged a name reversal tax fee that applies in some regions in Indonesia

Challenges You Must Face

In addition to some of the advantages above, you also have to understand very well what challenges must be faced when you buy and own an electric car.

  • Charging process that tends to be longer
  • Car charging stations that are still few in number
  • The price of the car unit is quite high
  • The cost of replacing batteries is also high

Also Read: Here's How to Easily Pay Car Tax Online via SIGNAL

Having an electric car will be a new thing that provides a lot of dynamics in life. Besides being able to feel its extraordinary comfort, you also have to take good care of it, and be prepared for all the bad possibilities that can arise.

To deal with these various risks, you can actually use SmartDrive Insurance from AXA Insurance. This insurance product can help you to prepare a towing service, New for Old, replacement of vehicle keys, up to the replacement of third party legal liability. You can get this insurance with 0% installments, so you can still enjoy the trip and #AsikTanpaPanik at all times. Hopefully this information about electric car taxes is useful, and make sure all variables are considered before making this decision!

*SmartDrive Insurance guarantees and benefits refer to the applicable terms and conditions

*Promo code is valid for direct purchase on AXA myPage until December 31, 2024

