Here's How to Easily Pay Car Tax Online Via SIGNAL

Having a car that is comfortable and can be used to travel with family is a fun thing. But remember, despite all the convenience you get, you are still obliged to pay car tax. No need to worry, thanks to all the technology nowadays paying car tax online can be done easily without having to leave the house.

This innovation made by the police allows motorized vehicle owners, both motorbikes and cars, to pay their vehicle taxes easily. The methods and conditions are also quite simple.

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How to Pay Car Tax Online with App

The application used by the police to serve this matter is called SIGNAL, or short for Samsat Digital Nasional. As the name suggests, this application can serve car tax payment matters thoroughly in various regions in Indonesia.

For how to pay car tax online yourself, you can follow the simple steps below.

  • First, download the SIGNAL app on  your smartphone. You can download it via Google Play or App Store
  • Secondly, open the app once the downloading process is complete. Create an account or register by filling in the requested data (NIK, number used, and other data)
  • Third, follow the registration steps provided by the application
  • Fourth, choose the Add Motor Vehicle Data menu to register the car you have
  • Fifth, choose the car in your own name, and enter the Motor Vehicle Registration Number, then enter the last 5-digits of the car's frame number
  • Sixth, continue to enter the payment menu. Click Generate Payment Code, and choose one of the banks for the payment method to use
  • Seventh, follow the payment method that appears, then make a payment according to the steps given. Make sure the amount of tax is the same as stated in the application!
  • Eighth, keep this proof of car tax payment, and wait for the documents you need to arrive at the destination address

Easy and practical, right?

Don't Forget to Complete the Necessary Conditions

For his own conditions, it is actually quite simple. The required files are vehicle registration numbers, vehicle license plate numbers, and motor vehicle ownership documents such as STNK and BPKB.

In addition to preparing some of these files, you must also fully understand the applicable provisions in the context of paying this car tax.

  • Motor vehicle data displayed in the SIGNAL application is in accordance with the identity of the vehicle owner's NIK KTP entered. This data will only appear if your NIK is not being blocked for one reason or another
  • If the address you enter does not match the address listed on the STNK, you can confirm to  the local Samsat call center regarding the process of sending TBPKB/SKPD files and STNK authentication stickers
  • Once received, the STNK attestation sticker must be immediately affixed to the STNK Attestation column available according to the year of endorsement carried out

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How to Print STNK after Payment is Complete

The two main ways that can be used are printing STNK independently, and printing it directly at the nearest Samsat office.

1. Print Independently

STNK printing can be done independently, by:

  • Open SMS from e-Samsat
  • Open the e-TBPKB link sent by e-Samsat
  • Save e-TBPKB in image form
  • Set the size of the e-TBPKB according to the size of the STNK you have
  • Print e-TBPKB and put it in the STNK plastic that you have

The size used for STNK itself is 23 x 7.5 cm, and can be printed on thick paper such as 90-gram HVS or white buffalo paper.

2. Printed on Samsat

  • Go to the nearest Samsat office with the necessary administrative requirements (printed e-TBPKB, original ID card and photocopy, original STNK and photocopy, and original BPKB and photocopy)
  • Print STNK by visiting the STNK Printing Counter and submit all the required files. The officer will input data and call your name to collect the STNK that has been printed
  • STNK attestation by Samsat officers. This last step is done at the STNK Attestation Counter to get a proof stamp that your car tax payment has been made and is valid

Cost at a Glance

Well finally for matters of the total cost required for the car tax you have. In general, the rate used on the SIGNAL application is the same as direct tax management, it's just that an additional IDR 10,000 is given for application and service maintenance.

The fee charged for the annual car registration tax is 2% of the selling value of the vehicle, plus a Compulsory Contribution to the Road Traffic Accident Fund of Rp143,000 for private cars. But for the 5-year tax fee made by changing the license plate, the details are as follows:

  • Issuance of TNKB or license plate Rp100,000
  • New STNK or renewal Rp200,000
  • STNK Ratification Rp50,000/year
  • Making BPKB Rp225.000

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Wise people are obedient to paying taxes, because when you are late in making tax payments, it means you only delay spending and enlarge it over time. This administrative observance is important for a citizen, to orderly follow the existing rules of the game.

In addition to obeying to pay car taxes online, you also ideally have insurance for this car you care about. For this matter, AXA Insurance Indonesia can be the right solution. With  the benefits of SmartDrive Insurance, you can feel maximum protection for your favorite car with the various benefits it offers. Affordable, complete, and reliable, please contact our customer service immediately or click here to directly access the purchase form!


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