8 Exercise Options for Immunity and Their Benefits

In urban communities, awareness of the importance of exercise may still be at a low level. However, in recent years the trend of exercise has started to increase, which means that the benefits of this physical activity are starting to be widely needed. The growing awareness of the benefits of exercise is a good thing and has a positive impact on the level of public health.

In general, the human body requires active physical movement to maintain muscle strength and flexibility. In addition, regular exercise can also have great benefits on a person's immunity and health, so that the body can withstand changing weather conditions, virus attacks, infections, or diseases that can disrupt activities.

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Benefits of Exercise for Immunity and Health

According to the CDC and WHO, regular exercise is a highly recommended habit. If done regularly, exercise can bring benefits in improving mental health, boosting immune response, lowering disease risk, and reducing inflammation.

Most people, including you, have a small number of immune cells circulating throughout the body. These cells tend to gather in lymphoid tissues and organs, such as the lymph, where the body kills viruses and other health threats.

By exercising regularly, you can improve blood and lymph flow. This happens when muscles contract, so immune cells will be carried in the blood that also circulates throughout the body.

Furthermore, active, and regular exercise can also help the body to 'recruit' specialized immune cells. These cells will be trained to find pathogens and eliminate them.

So, in conclusion, the benefits of exercise for immunity and health will really be felt in the long run, when the exercise you do regularly has become a lifestyle and habit.

So, what is the right exercise to get these benefits?

Any type of active physical exercise can provide the benefits mentioned above. If you perform intense body movements, the muscles in the body will contract and the effects mentioned in the first part can be obtained.

The WHO itself states that people aged 18 years and above, meaning adults, are recommended to do 150 minutes to 300 minutes of exercise per week. Some of the sports that you can then do to fulfill this quota include the following.

1. Skipping

One of the best workouts to give your body intense movement, within a few minutes you'll be sweating and feeling contractions in your legs. It can also help you burn calories and train your breathing.

Use a rope to do skipping, and jump rope repetitively for a certain number of reps. You can increase your muscle endurance if you do it regularly.

2. Cycling

The trend of cycling has also recently grown to reap the benefits of this sport. This activity is good for improving fitness and training the heart muscle. At the same time, blood circulation in the body will also be smoother.

In addition, you can also visit new places while cycling. When done in the morning, the benefits will also increase due to exposure to the morning sun which helps the body get vitamin D intake.

3. Swimming

Although not everyone can swim, this sport still offers a lot of benefits. Swimming regularly can help you maintain endurance and maintain coordination of movements and strength of all body muscles at the same time.

Every movement made in the water during swimming requires the body to expend extra effort. In addition, you can also make swimming a sport to train your breathing strength.

4. Jogging

One of the most popular cardio workouts, jogging provides a significant increase in endurance. The higher intensity makes this sport popular for those who have limited time to move actively every day.

Exercising the leg muscles, jogging can also train the function of the respiratory system and help blood circulation more smoothly in your body.

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5. High intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Popularly known as HIIT, this type of exercise can be done almost anywhere. The concept is to perform certain movements with predetermined repetitions, pause for a moment, and return to intense movement.

It doesn't take long, and you'll be drenched in sweat if every move is done correctly and within the prescribed duration. Its main function is to build stamina, strengthen endurance, and train muscle strength.

6. Weight Training

Weight training is not meant to make you an athlete, or a bodybuilder, but rather to provide adequate portions for muscles and bones to continue to maintain their strength and health.

Weight training can be done with the help of tools or by using your own body weight. Barbells or dumbbells are widely used as tools, but if you don't want to go to the trouble, calisthenics can also be an interesting option. You can even join various calisthenics communities that can help you train more effectively.

7. Sports Games

Playing sports can also be done to help gain immunity and health in your body. Whether it's badminton, tennis, soccer, basketball, volleyball, or any other game sport that practically requires physical movement, it will give your body the exercise it needs to gain the immunity and health it desires.

Furthermore, these sports will also bring you together with people who share the same interests. Being with others can be very productive and have a positive impact on your mood and general mental health.

8. Hiking

One of the most recommended outdoor activities, hiking is also a great exercise to boost your immunity and health. Exercising your heart and lowering your blood pressure, you'll feel the contraction of many muscles in your body during this activity.

The positive effects will also be felt on your mental health and clarity of mind, as you will be in direct contact with nature and get a supply of fresh air from the area where you are hiking.

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The benefits of exercise cannot be felt instantly, as a routine is needed to get the optimal benefits. But there's certainly nothing wrong with trying to keep moving and exercising your body, no matter how small the effort and progress.

Of course, besides looking at the benefits of exercise and the types of exercise that can be an option, you also need to support this effort by implementing an ideal lifestyle and diet. Thus, your efforts to gain immunity and health will be maximized and avoid various risks. As a complementary step, you can also have health insurance products. This is not a manifestation of overthinking, but rather a tangible form of preparation for unwanted situations. A reliable insurance option from PT AXA Insurance Indonesia is Asuransi SmartMedicare Domestik. This insurance provides benefits for health protection for medical expenses due to illness or accident, so you can get easy health services with a cashless system at hospitals or partner clinics. Practical and easy to obtain, maximize protection for yourself and loved ones from PT AXA Insurance Indonesia and continue to adopt a healthy lifestyle for long-term benefits!


  • https://www.halodoc.com/artikel/apakah-rutin-berolahraga-bisa-memengaruhi-imunitas-tubuh?srsltid=AfmBOoogODksTM8cqNuVEEf0csQKyp571hd0kmK0rGV8gf6vcN0NA60M
  • https://prodiaohi.co.id/pentingnya-olahraga-dan-peningkatan-sistem-imun
  • https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007165.htm
  • https://diskominfo.patikab.go.id/berita/detail/olah-raga-teratur-dan-terukur-meningkatkan-imunitas-tubuh
  • https://www.alodokter.com/beragam-manfaat-olahraga
  • https://www.axe.com/id/inspirasi/culture/olahraga-untuk-meningkatkan-imunitas.html
  • https://www.redoxon.co.id/Lebih-Sehat-Setiap-Hari/Olahraga-untuk-daya-tahan-tubuh/#:~:text=Olahraga%20juga%20membantu%20bakteri%20keluar,melambat%20ketika%20Anda%20beraktivitas%20fisik.
  • https://www.anlene.com/id/ms/olahraga-untuk-latihan-daya-tahan-tubuh.html