6 Tips to Keep Your Neighborhood Clean During the Rainy Season

The rainy season has begun in many parts of Indonesia. Changes that are quite extreme occur, and you obviously must make adjustments. One concern that arises is related to environmental hygiene, because the rainy season is closely associated with floods and the emergence of various health problems due to poor hygiene.

Environmental cleanliness is indeed something that is sometimes put aside. Even though in fact this is important to always be controlled, so that other worse risks do not need to occur during the rainy season.

Some risks that arise when the environment is not clean

When the environment is not kept clean, the risk of adverse effects increases. Some of them are as follows.

  • Risk of flooding due to waterways clogged with garbage or debris.
  • Risk of disease spread due to lack of hygiene and puddles.
  • Flooding that can cause damage to homes and the environment.
  • Increased risk of disease spread due to mosquitoes that breed easily.
  • Up to the risk of the environment becoming dirty due to garbage carried in the flow of water during rainfall.

These risks must be realized because they carry impacts and potential losses that are not small. Therefore, efforts to maintain environmental cleanliness must be maximized so that you do not have to deal with the above risks.

for Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness during the Rainy Season

There are many things you can do to keep your environment clean. Basically, these efforts are aimed at keeping the environment conducive and clean, so that basic risks such as health risks can be avoided and do not interfere with the safety of your family.

1. Check the Drains in Your Home and Neighborhood

The risk of flooding will arise when the drains around the home environment are not functioning properly. So, you need to check the drains in the house and around the house, to make sure everything is functioning properly to drain water.

At least this way, water from rain can be channeled properly into larger channels and not stagnate or even trigger flooding.

2. Separate Organic and Inorganic Waste

Organic and inorganic waste should be disposed of and managed separately. Organic waste is biodegradable, so if it enters waterways, it will probably disintegrate in time and not block these channels for too long.

Inorganic waste, on the other hand, is not biodegradable. If it enters the waterways, it will clog and cause bigger problems.

Good waste management can maintain the quality and cleanliness of the environment, while reducing the health risks that arise from it.

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3. Preserving Nature

Although it can be said to be a long-term tip, but preserving nature is one of the effective ways to reduce health risks and environmental damage in the rainy season. You can start planting in your house and around the house, to help the process of absorbing water into the soil.

This greening that is done independently and collectively can help your environment avoid the impact of heavy rain, flooding, and water absorption into the soil that is not optimal.

4. Making Infiltration Wells

The chain effect of rainwater that is not absorbed into the ground is very large and detrimental. This is why making infiltration wells can be one of the things that can be done to keep the environment clean.

By absorbing water into the ground, rubbish that is still scattered around will not be carried into waterways and clog them. You still need to keep the environment clean from rubbish, but at least infiltration wells can help you to reduce the flow of water flowing in waterways.

5. Trying to make a biopore hole

Biopore holes can also be a solution for maintaining cleanliness in the environment around the house. Biopori can overcome flooding and is an appropriate alternative for decomposing existing organic waste.

Organic waste can be put into biopores, increasing the soil's absorption capacity for falling rainwater, as well as increasing soil fertility in the future. So, you can get various benefits from just this one simple step.

6. Green open space

Increasing green open space is the next point that can be done. Open spaces like this can reduce health risks that arise, as well as improve the quality of the environment around the house.

You can initiate the creation of parks, other green areas, and the like together with residents, so that your environment becomes more beautiful. Open spaces like this also deal with puddles of water that may appear due to heavy rain. You and residents can gain ecological benefits that can support environmental sustainability.

Fill this green area with various plants to beautify it and increase its water absorption ability.

Support Efforts to Maintain a Clean Environment with Independent Action

After knowing what you can do to keep your environment clean, it's a good idea to understand what efforts you can make starting from yourself and your family. You can apply these simple tips to your family to help reduce health risks during the rainy season.

  • Always consume nutritionally balanced foods and drink enough water.
  • If necessary, help with nutritional intake with multivitamins.
  • Always wash your hands frequently with soap and running water
  • Exercise regularly every day
  • Wear warm clothes to ward off the cold.
  • Ensure adequate rest and quality sleep every day.
  • Use the right and ideal Health Insurance product to protect yourself and your family from existing risks.

Read More: Rainy Season Arrives, Let's Prepare Your Home and Yourself from the Dangers

That was a glimpse of the ways you can keep the environment clean. The best output will be obtained if this is also accompanied by efforts from oneself and within the family to continue to maintain conditions that remain stable, so as to avoid threatening health risks.

As a complement to efforts to maintain a clean environment to avoid the above diseases, you can also use reliable and trustworthy health insurance. PT AXA Insurance Indonesia product, namely Domestic SmartMedicare Insurance could be the right option. This insurance was created specifically to meet your need for health protection for medical costs due to illness or accident. With this insurance, you can get easy health services with a cashless system at AXA Insurance Indonesia partner hospitals or clinics. Get insurance immediately and protect your family with the best efforts with AXA Insurance Indonesia!


  • https://www.blibli.com/friends/blog/tips-menjaga-kebersihan-saat-musim-hujan-06/
  • https://upk.kemkes.go.id/new/5-tips-sehat-menghadapi-musim-hujan
  • https://www.rri.co.id/lain-lain/521582/menjaga-kebersihan-lingkungan-saat-musim-hujan
  • https://www.siloamhospitals.com/informasi-siloam/artikel/tips-menjaga-kesehatan-di-musim-hujan
  • https://klinikkeluarga.com/news/selengkapnya/menjaga-kebersihan-di-musim-hujan-pentingnya-upaya-preventif-untuk-kesehatan-masyarakat
  • https://www.medcom.id/nasional/peristiwa/DkqeVlnk-7-tips-ampuh-menghadapi-musim-hujan-agar-tetap-aman-dan-nyaman
  • https://www.tempo.co/gaya-hidup/7-tips-menjaga-kesehatan-di-musim-hujan-agar-tidak-terkena-penyakit-402050