6+ Best Hospitals in Malaysia, many are Satisfied!

Malaysia has long been known as a neighboring country with a culture not much different from ours. In the medical sector, the country even provides a plethora of superior quality hospital and treatment alternatives. To know more about the list of the best hospitals in Malaysia, you can check out this article until the end.

The neighboring country has long been known as one of the destinations for health tourism or medical tourism for many people in Indonesia. Reporting from an article uploaded on the site sumatra.bisnis.com, until October 2024 there were as many as 400,000 Indonesians seeking treatment in Malaysia.

Then which are the best hospitals in Malaysia that attract these Indonesians? Check out the list below.

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1. Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital, Center for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

As the name suggests, this hospital is a cancer specialist health facility that focuses on diagnosis and treatment services for the condition. This cancer care was originally a nursing home that was established in 1976.

Gradually, the facility developed into a hospital, and focused on the treatment and diagnosis of cancer conditions due to the increasing needs coming from the community at large.

Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital itself is known for its quality services and affordable prices. The address is at 23, Jalan Bulan, Fettes Park, 11200 Tanjung Bungah, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. You can try contacting the official contact at +60 4-892 3999.

2. Regency Specialist Hospital, Supported by 80 Specialists

The second-best hospital in Malaysia is Regency Specialist Hospital. This hospital is in the Johor area and was established in 2009. It has a capacity of 218 beds and serves more than 170,000 patients annually.

The quality of this hospital is evident with its Malaysian Society for Quality in Health and Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council accreditations. The healthcare services provided are supported by 80 specialists from various medical and surgical disciplines.

Some of the excellent services available at this hospital are the mother and child center, neurosurgery, heart and lung, gastroenterology, and emergency and trauma. It is located at 1, Jalan Suria, Bandar Baru Seri Alam, 81759 Masai, Johor, Malaysia. Contact can be reached at +60 7-381 7700.

3. Pantai Hospital, One of the Best Hospital Chains in Malaysia

Looking at the name, you would think that this hospital is quite unique. In fact, Pantai Hospital is part of the Pantai Group, which houses several other hospitals and healthcare facilities such as Gleneagles Hospitals.

Pantai Hospitals is known for its excellent patient care and service. It is known that the hospital continues to expand its range of services to provide quality care and treatment.

In Malaysia alone there are at least three Pantai Hospitals branches that can be visited. Starting from Pantai Hospital Ayer Keroh which is known for specializing in neurology and orthopedics, heart and cardiothoracic, and cancer, then Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur which is known as a center for breast health, cancer, eyes, hands and arms, heart, and joints and bones, then Pantai Hospital Penang which is known for their cancer, heart, and stroke services.

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4. Island Hospital Penang, Popular Since 1996

Renowned as one of the best hospitals in Malaysia, Island Hospital Penang has been recognized by the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council in the category of providing the most care for overseas patients in 2021. Other prestigious awards include The Leading Medical Tourism Hospitals in 2017, and the Star Outstanding Business Award.

The hospital is renowned for focusing on urinary tract health, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, bone, movement disorders, fertility, digestion, and diabetes. It is no wonder that its popularity is so great, as the focus and specialties provided are quite numerous.

Located at 308, Jalan Macalister, 10450 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, this 600-bed hospital can be reached at +60 4-238 3388.

5. Sunway Medical Center, Spread across 3 Different Points

Established in 1999, Sunway Medical Center is a private hospital accredited by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards. It is in Malaysia's first green township, Sunway City.

Some of the excellent services provided include women's health, urology, speech and hearing disorders, hand and microsurgery, fertility, ENT, eye health, digestion, dietetic and nutrition services, cancer, bone and joints, breast health, diabetes, pediatrics, heart, and blood vessels, as well as aesthetics and laser.

They are located at three different points. For Sunway Medical Center, it is located at 5, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, with a contact number at +60 3-7491 9191. You can also directly visit the official website to find more information.

6. State Heart Institute

Specializing in the treatment of heart disease, the State Heart Institute was established in 1992. Now, the hospital is supported by around 50 specialists to provide the best health services.

Some of the advantages of this hospital include being a center for heart disease and heart surgery services, then the ability of doctors to communicate in Indonesian, its strategic location, and the existence of medical check-up packages at a very affordable cost.

The address itself is at 154, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The contact person is +60 3-2617 8200.

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Actually, there are still quite a number of the best hospitals in Malaysia that can be a reference or health tourism destination. Some other hospitals that also have high quality include Gleneagles Hospital, Genesis IVF & Women's Specialist Center, Prince Court, Subang Jaya, Alpha Fertility Center, Beacon Hospital, and so on. Each has its own specialties and is referred to by many people who visit there.

Not a few of the best hospitals in Malaysia also collaborate with International Health Insurance International Health Insurance service providers. For the insurance product itself, you can look for example at Asuransi SmartMedicare Internasional offered by AXA Insurance Indonesia. This insurance can be a reliable partner when traveling abroad, because it provides the benefit of freedom to choose the coverage area you want to get. For more information on international travel insurance, you can check the related link, and hopefully this article will bring useful information for you!


  • https://linksehat.com/artikel/7-rs-malaysia-yang-sering-dikunjungi-orang-indonesia
  • https://www.kavacare.id/daftar-rumah-sakit-di-penang-malaysia-yang-bagus/
  • https://www.mhtc.org.my/2020/07/03/8-rumah-sakit-terbaik-di-kuala-lumpur-plus-biaya-berobatnya/
  • https://www.erufucare.com/id/clinics/labor-and-delivery-dc/malaysia
  • https://kataomed.com/kesehatan/daftar-rumah-sakit-penang-malaysia
  • https://www.kavacare.id/rumah-sakit-terbaik-di-kuala-lumpur-malaysia/
  • https://www.cnnindonesia.com/hiburan/20240313144024-305-1073799/sunway-medical-centre-masuk-daftar-rs-terbaik-di-dunia
  • https://albisindomedika.com/rumah-sakit-malaysia/
  • https://lifestyle.bisnis.com/read/20220325/106/1515035/pelayanan-kesehatan-malaysia-menarik-wisatawan-medis-dari-indonesia
  • https://sumatra.bisnis.com/read/20241001/533/1803707/400000-orang-indonesia-berobat-ke-malaysia-industri-kesehatan-negeri-jiran-raup-rp135-triliun