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Having a pet is fun. How could it not? When you get home, you will be greeted eagerly by your pet. But the thing you need to pay attention to is that pets need to be given vaccines and treatments, so as not to have diseases such as rabies which are dangerous if they are contagious.
Generally, animals that are kept only have a small risk of this dangerous disease. Especially for animals that are wild or not kept and pets that do not get rabies vaccines, the risk is even greater. It is not impossible that the virus is contagious and reaches the area where you are.
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Clinically, rabies is caused by a virus called Lyssavirus from the Rhabdoviridae class. Transmission can be through saliva, scratches, bites, or licks of infected animals into the mouth, eyes, or wounds that are still open.
Although called mad dog disease, the fact is that rabies can attack other mammals such as cats, apes, bats, wolves, to raccoons. Animals that already have this virus in their bodies can transmit rabies to humans through these methods.
The rabies virus that enters the human body does not immediately give a reaction. Conveyed in one of the articles on the official WHO website, the incubation period of rabies occurs about 2 to 3 months. However, this period varies, between 1 week to 1 year, depending on several other factors.
For common symptoms that you can easily recognize are as follows:
These symptoms occur in humans who have been infected with rabies. While in animals, they tend to be more aggressive, lose energy, and lose their appetite. So, if your pet shows these three signs, don't hesitate to take him to the vet for a checkup.
What becomes dangerous is that there is a certain amount of incubation time when the virus enters the body. At this time, the symptoms that appear will be quite vague and less visible. Therefore, when bitten or scratched by a pet or wild animal, there are several steps that can be first aid.
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A little useful information for you to know, there are at least two types of rabies known to date. The first is called malignant rabies, and the second is called paralytic rabies.
In fact, rabies itself is a disease that can be said to always exist. However, due to public awareness, speed of handling, and preventive measures in humans and animals, the transmission rate is not too large.
However, reporting from the official website of Sehat Negeriku Kemkes, until April 2023, there have been at least 11 cases of death due to rabies. Of course, this must be a concern so that you and the people closest to you can stay away from the risks that arise because of rabies.
To deal with this, the Ministry of Health has taken several strategic steps, including:
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Although the government has taken the right steps in the prevention and control of rabies infection, of course you also must protect yourself and your environment from the risk of this disease. High sensitivity must be possessed, so that when detected there are pets or wild animals, or even someone who shows symptoms of rabies, it can be treated immediately with quickly.
Another step that can be used is to have a 'safety net' when the risk of rabies infection occurs. With the right insurance product, such as SmartCare Executive Individual Health Insurance from AXA Insurance, you can reduce the financial impact that arises due to rabies and disease treatment other. Click the related link right now and get complete information about Individual Health Insurance for you and everyone nearby!
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