Burnout Triggers Aren't Just Work, See 3 Triggers Here

Every activity always has a saturation point that sooner or later you will feel. When the time comes, you may feel physically and mentally exhausted, and no longer have the motivation to do these activities. This condition is commonly called burnout, and you are in the right article to find out more.

This fatigue will not disappear with rest, such as quality sleep or taking a day off. Fatigue will continue to be felt until it makes many of your other activities disrupted, so it is quite troublesome if not treated properly.

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Burnout, becoming a 'trend' in recent times

Burnout itself is a condition of physical and emotional exhaustion due to expectations and reality that are not in line. In addition, this condition can be understood as a reaction to stress or boredom experienced prolonged.

The main signs of burnout are physical and mental fatigue, then lack of identification with work, and a decline in one's professional abilities. Although popular in recent years, the term was first introduced in 1974 by Freudenberger in his book entitled Burnout: The High Cost for High Achievement.

Characteristics of Someone Experiencing Burnout

In each person this condition can be manifested in different forms. But generally this condition will appear in physical, mental, and emotional conditions. There are at least five characteristics of burnout that you should watch out for.

  • Always feel exhausted even though you have rested. Those of you who are constantly in a tired state even though you have rested and slept enough may experience this condition. The constant feeling of weakness and lack of enthusiasm makes a lot of work unfinished, thus interfering with activities
  • Feeling that it has no benefit. This feeling can also appear due to prolonged fatigue and boredom. You can feel useless and lack the necessary competencies in your current job position, significantly reducing productivity
  • Being depressed. This can actually be triggered by the second point just now. The sense of uselessness that exists inside then pushes you into a state of depression. This condition can be said to be quite dangerous, because it can be experienced for life and triggered by burnout at work
  • Hatred of work. One characteristic of this condition is that there is a sense of hatred or dissatisfaction with the work that is currently undertaken. Although realistically this job provides a decent living, but a sense of dissatisfaction and hatred continue to arise when doing the task at hand
  • Frequent headaches. Well, in terms of health, burnout also often gives the effect of headaches. Not only once or twice, but these headaches often occur and are quite intense, even triggering sleep problems that should be a moment of rest for the body and brain

Recognize the triggers, be aware of the initial symptoms

Although more often triggered by work, it turns out that this condition can also arise due to other things. Briefly, here are some causes of burnout that can be useful material for insight.

1. Work

In terms of work, burnout can be triggered and arise because of the following things.

  • A feeling of having little or nothing on the work being done
  • Lack of appreciation from work-related parties
  • Unclear job expectations
  • Too many job demands
  • Work performed monotonously, redundantly, or no dynamics are a challenge
  • Working in a place that has a toxic culture, unproductive friendships, unsupportive bosses, to clients who are never satisfied

2. Lifestyle

Second is from lifestyle. It is not uncommon for someone to experience some of the things below that encourage burnout. Some things that can trigger it are as follows.

  • Spending too much time working
  • No time to socialize with others or relax
  • No or lack of support system in life
  • Taking on too much work or responsibility and not getting help from others
  • Lack of rest that occurs repeatedly

3. Innate Characters

There are several innate characteristics or traits of a person that can be a trigger for burnout. Remember, not in the sense of being the main cause, but rather the tendency when this trait cannot be controlled.

  • Perfectionists, so thinking what is done is never enough and can still be better
  • Looking at yourself cynically
  • Feeling in control of everything
  • Don't want to ask others for help because they feel they can solve everything on their own
  • Have many achievements so there is a tendency to want to always excel or continue to get better regardless of rest or leisure time

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If You Let It, This Impact on Health

Burnout is actually highly recommended to be overcome immediately with the right steps. Because if not, this condition can also trigger prolonged health problems.

Some health problems that can arise due to this condition include the following.

  • Sleep disorders. This condition makes you continue to feel depressed and difficult to relax. As a result, the body will experience sleep disturbances and decreased quality of rest at night. Sleep that is actually a moment for the body to rest and repair damaged body cells cannot provide benefits, because quality sleep is no longer obtained
  • Continue to feel tired. As discussed earlier, the feeling of fatigue that you feel will also make the body weak. Emotions are easily ignited, so the body continues to be in a 'tight' state. Prolonged fatigue is not good for the body because it makes it unable to be productive
  • Decreased body resistance. The two points above will bring your body to the point where its endurance weakens. The immune system can decrease over time, and make you susceptible to disease, either in the form of mild or severe illness
  • Depression. If left too long, burnout will lead to a tendency to depression. Declining mental health conditions can make your day worse
  • Emerging anxiety disorders. Burnout can also make you worry excessively about things that shouldn't be a problem. You become afraid to do work because you think it won't end well, and it really ends badly because it is not done optimally

The Best Way to Heal from This Condition

The best way to overcome this condition is obviously to consult with experts who are concerned in the field of mental health or undergo counseling sessions. However, other things can also support recovery from this condition.

Some other ways that can be done independently are to make a regular and disciplined rest schedule, do  fun healing activities,  meet with others to chat and  share, start implementing a healthier diet, take multivitamins if needed, and exercise outdoors.

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Health conditions that worsen due to burnout must obviously be addressed properly. Prevention  of burnout is the main thing that needs to be done, but preparation for the worst conditions must also be planned, at least with the right health insurance products.

AXA Insurance Then present a health insurance product, named SmartMedicare Domestic for ease of medical care throughout Indonesia and SmartMedicare International for comprehensive medical treatment abroad. Basically, this insurance product is made specifically to meet your needs for health protection with 24-hour assistance services. The benefits obtained are in the form of guaranteed health costs that arise due to hospitalization and outpatient care, as well as other benefits in accordance with the conditions and benefits of the policy. This insurance is suitable to be a safety net to face the health effects of burnout, So you can focus more on self-recovery. Contact us immediately to get this flagship product, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid this condition!

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  • https://yankes.kemkes.go.id/view_artikel/1453/mengenal-burnout
  • https://www.halodoc.com/artikel/ini-5-ciri-ciri-burnout-dan-cara-sederhana-mengatasinya
  • https://www.noice.id/info-terbaru/apa-itu-burnout/
  • https://www.liputan6.com/hot/read/5241786/burnout-adalah-kondisi-psikologis-pahami-gejala-dan-penyebabnya
  • https://www.idntimes.com/health/medical/mutia-zahra-4/dampak-negatif-burnout-bagi-kesehatan-jangan-sepelekan-ya-c1c2?page=all
  • https://ners.unair.ac.id/site/index.php/news-fkp-unair/30-lihat/2501-kenali-dampak-negatif-burnout-bagi-kesehatan