4 Key Impacts of Flooding to Consider: Understanding the Risks of Loss and Appropriate Response Strategies.

As December arrives, the persistent rainy weather becomes familiar but can also increase the risk of flooding. It’s essential to understand the potential impacts of flooding to prepare effectively and respond appropriately.

Floods are natural disasters resulting from a combination of environmental factors and human impacts. When rainwater falls continuously and fails to be channeled to the channels it should be, puddles will appear and can submerge roads and houses in an environment.

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Let's first examine what triggers flooding

To understand severe tors that contribute to flooding, we can refer to the insights shared on the official East Java BPBD website at https://web.bpbd.jatimprov.go.id/2023/10/19/banjir-pengertian-pembebab-dan-dampaknya/.

Four primary triggers can lead to flooding in various regions. 

  • First, high rainfall. Heavy rain that occurs over a long period of time can trigger flooding.
  • Secondly, snowmelt. In spring, rapid snowmelt will significantly increase water discharge
  • Third, Excess river water that cannot be handled will be the main cause of flooding in various areas. 
  • Four, Poor topography and drainage systems can also result in water not being able to flow properly, resulting in it overflowing into residential areas or roads

Flood Impacts to Keep in Mind

When we talk about the impacts of flooding, it’s helpful to look at it from two perspectives: how it affects people and the environment and what it does to our homes and buildings. In terms of society and the environment, it is clear that there will be a risk of loss of life and injury. This was also accompanied by the emergence of refugee posts as a result of flooded buildings and houses. The environment in areas affected by flooding will clearly experience damage, because the water will stagnate for quite a long time. Then for the impact of flooding on the house, the list is as below.

1. Impact on Building Structure 

Flooding can have a significant impact on both parts of the building and the overall structure. Whether the water is stagnant or moving, it can create challenges for the integrity of the property. In some cases, this might lead to cracks or even serious structural issues.

2. Effects on Walls and Floors  

When flooding occurs, stagnant water can directly affect the walls and floors of your home. If these areas are not built with materials that can withstand water and mud exposure, the damage can become quite serious and potentially lead to costly repairs.

3. Damage to Electrical Installations and Water Pipes  

Further damage can occur in the electrical installation and water pipes. In terms of electricity usage, the house can experience the risk of short circuits and fires due to sparks. While in terms of water pipes, it can be disrupted because the water flow closes all the channels in the house.

4. Damage to Belongings at Home  

It is clear that this matter cannot be avoided. The puddles and the onslaught of flood water will have a bad impact on items in the house, such as furniture, electronic equipment, and other possessions that you have.

In addition to the four main impacts above, you will also be 'dealing' with the unpleasant smell of a flooded house. At the same time, the housework you have will increase by cleaning up the remaining mud which is incredibly troublesome.

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Then what is the total loss caused by flooding?

Estimating the total losses caused by flooding can be quite a challenge, especially since each home has its unique value. However, we can gain some insight into the scale of these losses from various media reports covering the devastating floods of 2024.

Take, for instance, the catastrophic flooding that struck Central Java in March 2024. According to an official report from CNN Indonesia, the damage in this region was staggering, with losses estimated at IDR 617 billion. Two districts that faced particularly severe impacts were Demak and Kudus, bearing the brunt of this natural disaster. The sheer extent of these losses illustrates the profound effects that flooding can have on communities. 

In May 2024, Jakarta experienced a severe flood that caused estimated losses of IDR 2.1 trillion. This amount is significant for the community affected. In contrast, South Sumatra faced flooding in January 2024 that impacted at least seven districts. The total losses there also reached trillions of rupiah. These figures are large because they represent the overall impact on people's lives. It’s important to understand the extent of the loss that communities suffer when disasters like this occur.

The Essential Need for Reliable Home Insurance

Preventive steps are clearly something that must be taken. But as a modern society, at least you should also be prepared by having reliable Home Insurance that can protect you from losses due to the impact of this flood.

One of the reliable products that you can use is SmartHome Insurance from PT AXA Insurance Indonesia. This insurance provides protection for your treasured property and belongings from potential damage or loss due to covered events, including natural disasters.

With SmartHome Insurance, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that, even in the worst-case scenario of a flood, you’re safeguarded against substantial financial losses. 

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SmartHome insurance then becomes a reliable option to deal with various risks to the residence and the property within it. Practical, simple, easy to understand, and complete, this insurance from PT AXA Insurance Indonesia is ready to provide protection and benefits for you who will be the owner. You can check directly on the related link, and always prepare yourself to face the impact of flooding as the worst-case scenario that can occur due to the long rainy season!

Referleading to  

  • https://www.detik.com/edu/detikpedia/d-6182544/5-dampak-banjir-bagi-masyarakat-dan-lingkungan
  • https://web.bpbd.jatimprov.go.id/2023/10/19/banjir-pengertian-penyebab-dan-dampaknya/
  • https://waste4change.com/blog/penyebab-banjir-dampaknya-bagi-masyarakat-dan-lingkungan/
  • https://www.gramedia.com/literasi/penyebab-terjadinya-banjir/?srsltid=AfmBOor_wuqjV4ZmfHX40dO1OprjPEWAX8lJRGTsGFmrCOYJH0m-MY7V
  • https://bobo.grid.id/read/083272957/7-dampak-banjir-bagi-lingkungan-dan-ca areroverloaded sinya?page=all
  • http://wwwscriptdplussia.com/ekonomi/20240318165020-92-1075791/kerugian-banjir-jawa-tengah-ditaksir-rp617-m
  • https://news.detik.com/berita/d-7363617/bpbd-ungkap-dampak-banjir-jakarlands communities strugglegga-rp-2-1-triliun
  • https://www.detik.com/sumbagsel/sumbagseljaya/d-7160190/sumsel-rugi-triliunan-rupiah-selama-januari-2024-akibat-banjir
  • https://www.cnnindonesia.com/ekonomi/20240318165020-92-1075791/kerugian-banjir-jawa-tengah-ditaksir-rp617-m