15 Delicious Home-Style Healthy Iftar Menus

Iftar time is the most awaited moment before the arrival of Ramadan. Towards that time, we will usually prepare a variety of delicious foods and drinks to eat after a day of fasting. But so that your fasting service runs smoothly, you must also pay attention to the choice of iftar menus that are nutritious, affordable, and delicious! The bonus is that the month of Ramadan can be your opportunity to improve your lifestyle by managing what you eat to be more controlled, you know! Of course, by choosing a healthy iftar menu.

Home-Style Healthy Iftar Menu

Instead of being confused about choosing the iftar menu, here are 15 healthy iftar menus that are delicious for your family, and you can create at home. 

1. Fruit Salad

Iftar with fresh fruit! After a day of fasting, the body needs mineral and fiber intake to avoid dehydration. One of them is to eat fruits that are rich in water. You can mix some fruits such as watermelon, melon, pineapple, dragon, apple, avocado, and other favorite fruits with a mixture of yoghurt, mayonnaise, cheese, and milk.

2. Juice / Smoothie

Do you like fruit, but prefer to create fruit into fresh drinks such as juices or smoothies? Why not!  You can add wheat, granola, and some seeds to make your iftar menu healthier! Besides being healthy, smoothies are also delicious, especially served cold which can add to the deliciousness of breaking your fast.

3. Kurma

It is incomplete if we do not mention kurma as one of the typical foods of iftar. This delicious fruit contains high carbohydrates, so it can restore energy and help renew carbohydrate intake and suppress the desire to eat foods that contain sugar. In fact, kurma became one of the takjil foods suggested by the Apostle. You can also process dates into fresh kurma milk!

4. Mung Bean Sweet Porridge

Another healthy iftar menu that you can serve as takjil. Mung bean sweet porridge contains various types of minerals that are very important for the body, namely folate, zinc, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. In addition, green beans are already equipped with complex carbohydrates, fiber, and vegetable protein.


5. Chicken / Fish Pepes

You can eat the pepes menu if you don't want to consume too much greasy food. If you want to reduce fat, please choose the chicken breast part. For fish, you can use freshwater fish or family-favorite sea fish. In addition to minimal bad cholesterol, chicken or fish pepes are rich in nutrients from spices.

6. Clear Vegetable / Soup

One of the practical and cheap menus for a healthy iftar menu at an affordable price is a healthy iftar menu that remains nutritious! On one serving of vegetable soup, you can already find a complete menu. There is fiber from various types of vegetables and animal proteins.

7. Eggs, Tofu, Tempe Balado

Eggs are one of the foods that contain quite high protein. You can process eggs to make them more stable with balado seasoning. Here, you can get creative by adding tofu or tempeh for additional vegetable protein.


8. Sauteed Vegetables

Sauteed vegetables are a healthy iftar menu and are certainly delicious. You can be as creative as possible with a wide selection of vegetables, such as:

  • Sauteed kale
  • Sauteed chicory
  • Sauteed bean sprouts
  • Sauteed kailan
  • Capcay
  • Chop broccoli

Make sure there are always vegetables on your iftar menu to help meet the body's daily fiber.

9. Tuna

As a side dish menu for a healthy and nutritious iftar menu, you can cook tuna. Quoting from healthy eating, tuna fish is a source of lean protein, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids that can help you to ward off depression, prevent cognitive decline, inflammation to reduce the risk of heart disease, you know!

10. Pecel

The combination of boiled vegetables such as kale, bean sprouts, string beans and Siamese pumpkin with pecel seasoning can be one of the choices for a healthy iftar menu. Often called pecel or lotek, you can make it at home because it is easy, and the ingredients are easy to find.

11. Red Bean Soup

It is believed to be one of the healthy iftar menus that is nutritious, cheap and only uses quite simple ingredients. You only need to prepare such as fresh red beans, carrots, onions, garlic, pepper, salt, and chicken or beef broth.

12. Macaroni Chicken Soup

The warmth of macaroni soup can be an alternative to healthy iftar menu choices that are delicious and help make the stomach more comfortable after enduring a day of hunger. Macaroni is believed to have been able to restore energy and make the stomach feel full for a longer time. Do not forget, supplement it with vegetables so that the benefits are more optimal.

13. Grilled Fish

Fish is a healthy iftar menu that is low in fat. But to keep the fat content low, you must be able to process it correctly and accordingly! Choose the type of fish that is suitable for grilling such as carp, dorang or snapper. As well as choose olive oil instead of butter / oil and simply use simple spices such as sweet soy sauce, lime, merita as well as chili.

14. Roast Beef

There is nothing wrong with breaking the fast by eating beef. To make beef a healthy iftar menu option, you must make sure to separate all the fat and skin. Choose a type of meat that is lean and grilled like steak to make it healthier.

15. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is perfect to serve and chosen as a healthy iftar menu because it can restore the body's energy. Especially when considering the limited iftar time and close to tarawih time, it's a good idea not to eat heavy food right away.

Protect Family Health in Fasting Month with MAGI!

By preparing a healthy iftar menu, you have climbed one ladder to maintain a healthy body. Next, step up to get some health insurance now. If managing a healthy diet is a prevention, then SmartCare Executive health protection from Mandiri AXA General Insurance ("MAGI") acts as protection from what cannot be predicted.

*The promo code is only valid for direct purchases for the period 1 – 31 March 2023
