When to Change Your Car's Oil: Based on Time or Mileage?
As one of the most relied-upon vehicles by Indonesians, understanding car maintenance is a must. One of the simplest yet often neglected aspects is changing the car's oil. Are you one of those people who overlook this?
Well, if so, you should read this article to the end to gain insight into the importance of regular oil changes and when the right time is to do it.
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Oil Change: Now or Later?
The most common question about changing car oil is actually about timing. Should you do it right now after reading this article? Or are there signs and guidelines to determine the right time?
Basically, changing car oil can be based on the mileage since the last oil change. Generally, it is recommended to change the oil every 10,000 kilometers for cars that are infrequently used, or approximately every six months of use.
For cars that are frequently used, the ideal oil change mileage can drop to around 5,000 kilometers, depending on usage, road conditions, and overall engine maintenance. So, oil changes can be adjusted based on the intensity of vehicle usage.
For novice car owners, perhaps including you who are reading this article, there are six other signs to look out for if you're unsure about the right time for an oil change:
- Excessive smoke. This is a clear sign that can be observed by anyone, even beginners. When the car emits excessive smoke, it's time to change the oil.
- Noisy engine. Normal engine noise is tolerable, but when other noises emerge and become disruptive, it’s a sign that the oil needs changing.
- Vibration when idle. This is caused by friction in the engine that the oil fails to smooth out. If left unchecked, it can severely damage the engine.
- Quickly depleted oil. When the engine condition is no longer ideal, cracks and leaks can occur, causing the oil to deplete quickly.
- Drastic performance drop. This is caused by dirty or degraded oil, indicating an urgent need for an oil change. You might notice heavier acceleration, less responsive throttle, or a sluggish engine.
- Changed oil colour. Old oil turns darker or murky. A direct inspection can reveal the condition of the oil.
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Simple Tips for Choosing the Right Car Oil
Every car has a different engine type and oil recommendation according to its type and the manufacturer's recommendations. Here are five tips to help you choose the right oil, preventing potential damage to your car:
- First, follow the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations. You can find these in the manual or by contacting your car brand's customer service.
- Second, consider the oil’s viscosity. Viscosity refers to the oil’s ability to flow and is indicated by numbers on the oil bottle label. The right number ensures ideal lubrication and is also included in the manufacturer’s recommendations.
- Third, think about the types of oil used: mineral oil, semi-synthetic oil, and synthetic oil. Each has its own advantages. Choose according to your car type or get recommendations from an experienced mechanic.
- Fourth, check the specifications and standards used by the oil product. This point requires deeper knowledge to avoid mistakes, but you can choose the right specifications. Remember, a high price doesn’t always mean the oil is suitable for your car. Ask for recommendations from knowledgeable people, like mechanics or staff at your car's official service center.
- Fifth, always consult with mechanics and service technicians for the best recommendations.
Lastly, About Changing Car Oil Independently
Changing your car oil can be easily done at official service centers or your trusted workshop. You just need to buy the required oil product and ask the mechanic to change it.
However, in some cases where you need to change the oil independently, here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure a smooth process:
- Check the engine temperature, and make sure it’s not too hot or cold. This can ease the oil flow during the draining process.
- Use a jack to lift the car. This allows easier access to the engine's underside. Ensure the car is on a flat surface.
- Prepare the necessary tools, including a wrench and a basin. The wrench is for opening the drain bolt, and the basin is for collecting the old oil.
- Drain the old oil completely. Let it flow out after opening the bolt, then clean it thoroughly with available tools.
- Reinstall the bolt and tighten the oil drain section that was opened and emptied.
- Replace the oil filter as needed.
- Open the oil filler cap and fill with new oil to the recommended level.
- Close the oil filler cap, and the process is complete.
Easy, right?
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The right time to change oil can indeed vary between cars. This is why you need to visit a car service center regularly for check-ups, ensuring your car is always in its best condition. Don’t underestimate this; a car in top condition can optimally support your daily mobility.
After knowing when to change your car oil, you now have more information about maintaining your beloved car. Routine maintenance is essential to avoid breakdowns on the road. But in this matter, you can actually protect yourself from greater financial losses by using the right vehicle insurance. PT AXA Insurance Indonesia offers SmartDrive Insurance to help you face risks while driving. Protection against damage, breakdowns, and third-party liability can be enjoyed with this insurance product. So get SmartDrive Insurance now, and perform regular car maintenance for a more comfortable driving experience!

- https://www.hyundai.com/id/id/hyundai-story/articles/panduan-dan-aturan-mengganti-oli-mobil-sesuai-km-0000000148#:~:text=Oleh%20karena%20itu%20tidak%20bisa,dicapai%20setiap%206%20bulan%20sekali.
- https://auto2000.co.id/berita-dan-tips/berapa-km-ganti-oli-mobil
- https://www.cnnindonesia.com/otomotif/20221103121627-592-868978/ganti-oli-mesin-mobil-setiap-5000-km-atau-10-ribu-km
- https://www.suzuki.co.id/tips-trik/ganti-oli-mobil-berapa-km-ini-tandanya-perlu-diganti?pages=all
- https://www.tunastoyota.com/post/tanda-sudah-harus-ganti-oli-mobil
- https://www.kawanlama.com/blog/tips/tips-memilih-oli-mobil#5-tips-memilih-oli-mobil
- https://www.mobil.co.id/id-id/consumer/faqs-and-tips/car-faqs-and-tips/jenis-oli-mobil-dan-tips-memilihnya
- https://otoklix.com/blog/langkah-tepat-mengganti-oli-mobil/#Memilih_Oli_Mobil_yang_Bagus
- https://garasi.id/artikel/oli-mesin-mobil-yang-cocok-perhatikan-4-hal-ini/5d11f21eaf555674875a2ad7
- https://otomotif.kompas.com/read/2024/01/23/131200815/tips-memilih-oli-agar-mesin-mobil-lebih-awet