Understand the Colic Condition in Babies, Do You Already Know?

For those of you who just have a baby, a lot of information should ideally be a basic understanding, as knowledge for parents. It's simple, so you don't panic when you must face various situations that are experienced for the first time. Colic is one of the conditions that must be understood, because it often occurs in newborns.

Have you ever experienced a condition when your little one cried for hours, and it was difficult to control? Well, this condition is called colic. Then, what to do when a baby has colic? Check out the more detailed explanation in the points below.

But the discussion will obviously be more comprehensive, as outlined in each of the points below.

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What is colic?

The condition when your child cries non-stop for a long time without knowing the reason is also commonly called colic. In general, colic occurs because your child does not yet can express the discomfort he feels.

The only thing he can do is cry, as a natural ability of the little one during a certain age. This cry can last between 3 to 4 hours, when your child is at the age of 6 to 8 weeks. But you don't need to worry, because colic will gradually decrease in intensity in the age range of 8 to 14 weeks.

In general, this condition is indeed not dangerous. But there are some points that must be considered that can be a sign of colic not because of discomfort but caused by other more serious things.

Colic Triggers in Infants

As mentioned earlier, colic is a natural thing in newborns up to a certain age limit. The trigger for colic is usually discomfort in the stomach, because generally in the early phase of life your child is still difficult to digest food.

Babies can also experience colic when the environment they are in makes them uncomfortable. For example, the room temperature is too hot or cold. This simple thing will be responded by the little one with prolonged crying.

Colic can also be experienced by babies when they are born prematurely, have a smoking mother, or when their nervous system is not fully developed.

So, actually the causes of colic are common things, right?

Symptoms and Right Steps to Face Colic

What becomes quite tricky is to distinguish ordinary crying from colic, because in fact the little one will really cry often in the early phase of his age. But there are some things that can be clues that your little one has colic.

  • First, the crying was intense and unstoppable. The cry triggered by colic will sound very miserable and high-pitched. It is not uncommon for her face to turn red because of this cry.
  • Second, the time she cries is predictable. When your child cries at the same time on different days, it could be an indication that he has colic. Colic is more common in the afternoon and evening.
  • Third, there is no exact cause. This cry appears without any special cause, for no apparent reason. It can be concluded that he has colic.
  • Fourth, there is a change in the posture of the little guy. When colic, he will experience changes in posture. The easiest signs to see include circular legs, clenched hands, or tightened abdominal muscles.

Colic-like Symptoms to Look Out For

There are several things that you should be aware of when the baby has colic and accompanied by other things. The things in question are as follows.

  • Baby age more than 4 months
  • The pattern of urination and defecation is abnormal. The condition is softer or denser, smells bad or too acidic, discoloration, and the frequency of defecation is unnatural
  • The cry that came out of the baby was like a scream
  • The baby's weight did not increase
  • The body withers drooping when lifted or is too limp
  • The baby loses his appetite
  • Some parts of the body or skin look pale
  • The crown looks more prominent
  • Having difficulty breathing or tightness

When this condition occurs, it could be that the colic experienced is not just ordinary colic but is a sign of other conditions. Therefore, when one or several conditions are detected simultaneously, it is highly recommended to see a doctor for examination as soon as possible.

Tips for Overcoming Colic in Babies

In general, colic does not have severe complications in your little one. However, the effects can be felt in parents, in this case you and your partner, because prolonged colic can trigger high levels of stress.

For this reason, you and your partner should communicate and cooperate a lot in dealing with this condition.

To deal with it, there are at least 12 ways you can do it.

  • Be sure to exclusively breastfeed
  • Massage the baby's stomach gently, if necessary use special baby telon oil
  • Make sure your little one is not on an empty stomach for too long
  • Change a diaper that is full to keep it comfortable
  • Give a pacifier to your little one
  • Bathe the baby with warm water to feel calmer
  • Pat gently on the back and gently wipe
  • Try interacting with your little one
  • Take the baby for a walk with a stroller to get a fresh breeze or more comfortable conditions for him
  • Place the baby on a vibrating swing or chair
  • Play music at a low volume, approximately 70 decibels
  • Consult with your trusted pediatrician to get the best solution

Tips to Prevent Colic in Babies

To prevent colic in babies, here are some things you can do:

  • Replace the pacifier on the baby's feeding bottle if the hole is too small to prevent the baby from swallowing more air than liquid.
  • Stay away from cigarette smoke.
  • Avoid consumption of coffee, tea, and spicy foods if the baby is still breastfeeding.
  • Pat the baby's back gently so that it burps after eating.

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Giving the best for your little one is always a priority for every parent wherever you are. Of course, such direct prevention and treatment measures will be recommended.

However, it would be better if you also have protection in the future against unwanted risks, such as insurance products. AXA Insurance, in this case, has an insurance product that you can use, namely SmartCare Executive Individual and Family Health Insurance. Not only can it protect you if health risks occur, but you can also include your partner and child in the protection and benefits. Click the link above to find out more about Individual Health Insurance products and maximize the protection available for your beloved spouse and little one!

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  • https://www.siloamhospitals.com/informasi-siloam/artikel/kolik-pada-bayi
  • https://pyfahealth.com/blog/apa-itu-kolik/
  • https://mediaindonesia.com/humaniora/576391/mengenal-kolik-pada-bayi-dan-cara-mengatasi
  • https://www.medcom.id/rona/kesehatan/JKRvA4OK-mengenal-kolik-pada-bayi-dan-cara-mengatasinya
  • https://www.ibupedia.com/artikel/balita/mengenal-kolik-dan-gejalanya
  • https://www.enfa.co.id/artikel/mengenal-kolik-mitos-atau-fakta