Easy, Fast, and Practical Guide to Renewing Your Driver's License Online!

In today's digital era, many aspects of life are influenced, including the convenience of renewing your driver's license online, which is now available in various major cities in Indonesia.

As you already know, a driver's license (SIM) is a mandatory document for anyone driving motor vehicles of various types, according to their SIM class. This document indicates that an individual has the ability to drive a motor vehicle on the road, according to the regulations of the country through the police.

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Renewing Your Driver's License Online

The police, through various units, continue to modernize, one of which is by implementing online renewal and issuance systems for driver's licenses. This system was done several years ago and continues to improve over time in response to user feedback.

With the available system today, you no longer need to queue at the police station to renew your driver's license. Simply follow the prescribed procedures, and you can have a renewed driver's license valid for the next five years.

Steps to Renew Your Driver's License Online in Indonesia

To renew your driver's license online, you can follow these simple steps below. By ensuring that all document requirements and administration are complete and connected to an active internet connection, here are the steps:

  • First, open the website or digital application of the Indonesian National Police (Korlantas Polri), then choose the Online SIM Registration menu, proceed by clicking on the Driver's License Renewal option in the provided application form column.
  • Second, fill in all the fields in the driver's license renewal application form and upload all the required renewal documents provided.
  • Third, enter the verification code, then click the Send button. At this stage, you have completed the registration, and the proof will be sent to the email you registered earlier.
  • Fourth, make the payment for the driver's license renewal fee. Choose a payment method according to your preference, which can be done via EDC, ATM, or bank teller at BRI Bank. Make sure the amount matches the type and applicable tariff.
  • Fifth, visit the Mobile SIM Service (SIM Keliling), Driver's License Service Office (Satpas), or the selected service outlet during the online registration with all the required document requirements, registration proof, and payment proof.
  • Sixth, wait for your turn to have your photo taken and your new extended driver's license printed.
  • Seventh, you're done! Your renewed driver's license is officially issued, and shortly you can take the desired SIM card.
  • Some areas may provide the option of delivering the driver's license directly to your residential address due to various reasons. This usually happens when the physical material of the driver's license is limited so the process cannot be delayed.

Requirements and Documents to Prepare

As mentioned earlier, online driver's license renewal requires complete document requirements. To find out what the requirements are, you can review them in the following section:

  • Fill out the form provided on the Indonesian National Police (Korlantas Polri) website or application according to the data on your ID card (KTP).
  • Prepare the original valid ID card (KTP). If you are a foreign citizen, the required data is immigration documents.
  • Bring your current valid driver's license (SIM).
  • Certificate of passing the simulator test.
  • Undergo a psychological test via the epPSi application or through the link provided by the Digital Indonesian National Police application. The fee for this test is Rp37,500 and can be paid using various payment methods.
  • Undergo an online health check-up on the erikkes.id website, then choose to take the test online or offline by visiting the available health facilities.

It's not too difficult and easy to fulfill, right?

General Driver's License Validity Period

In Indonesia, the driver's license is valid for five years in each class. Therefore, every five years, someone who wants to be considered eligible to drive a vehicle must renew their active period.

Although the process is fast, it's better to start renewing your active period within 90 days before your SIM expires. This is to prevent undesirable and uncontrollable circumstances.

If you still choose to drive when your SIM has expired, you could face legal consequences and receive fines from law enforcement officers during checks. Referring to Article 12 of the Chief of Police Regulation Number 9 of 2012, an expired SIM has no validity anymore. Someone who does not have a SIM will be fined with imprisonment for a maximum of four months or pay a maximum fine of Rp1,000,000 (in Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic and Road Transportation Article 283). Quite a hefty amount, isn't it?

This is why ensuring your SIM is still valid when driving is important, so you can drive comfortably and avoid penalties imposed by the law.

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Renewing your driver's license online is not difficult. As long as you are careful in following the instructions provided, you can complete the process quickly and get your new SIM right away.

Always comply with the applicable regulations, including renewing your driver's license online, ideally a fundamental aspect for every Indonesian citizen. Along with that, you should also have protection for your vehicle, such as with the SmartDrive insurance product from AXA Insurance Indonesia. Providing benefits for risks faced while driving and for losses or damage such as crash, theft, accidents while driving, lost vehicle keys, and other benefits as in the policy. This insurance provides reliable protection for various conditions. Get this reliable insurance product from AXA Insurance Indonesia soon and always be a law-abiding citizen on the road!


  • https://auto2000.co.id/berita-dan-tips/cara-perpanjang-sim-online
  • https://www.cnnindonesia.com/otomotif/20230722140813-579-976485/cara-perpanjang-sim-via-aplikasi-korlantas
  • https://www.digitalkorlantas.id/sim/
  • https://kepahiang.progres.id/teknologi/perpanjang-sim-online-2024-dokumen-syarat-dan-cara.html
  • https://www.mobbi.id/blog/ini-syarat-perpanjang-sim-bisa-online-dan-offline-loh-012023
  • https://www.detik.com/sumut/berita/d-6475514/ini-cara-lengkap-perpanjang-sim-online-langsung-diantar-ke-rumah
  • https://indonesiabaik.id/infografis/cara-perpanjang-sim-secara-online
  • https://www.astra-daihatsu.id/berita-dan-tips/cara-perpanjang-simhttps://polres.klaten.go.id/p/perpanjangan-sim-online.html