9 Factors that Cause Traffic Accidents, Be aware of them all!

Driving on the highway should always be done with caution. Not without reason, because the highway is used in general by many other motorists who have different dispositions, problems, and driving characters so that the risk of traffic accidents always exists even in a small percentage.

News about traffic accidents is often reported in various media. Not only from the public, but officials to artists are also not free from this risk. For example, the news of a celebrity who was reported to have to face death because of an accident he experienced in Bali in July 2024, which was widely discussed by the public because his figure was quite well known and became the dream of many people.

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The Risk of Traffic Accidents Always Exists

Condolences on the death of Yitta Dali Wassink, husband of Jennifer Coppen, following a single accident in Badung, Bali, in mid-July 2024. According to a statement from police officers, the victim died after suffering abrasions from the chest, back, broken jaw, left collarbone, elbow and ribs. This incident began when he was driving a motorized vehicle, but then lost control and hit the road divider.

The victim was previously taken to BIMC Kuta Hospital, but unfortunately his life was no longer helped. This accident made Jennifer Coppen must raise the only daughter who was the fruit of her marriage on October 10, 2023.

Of course, the above is not meant to be negative about what happened. It's more about the fact that traffic accidents can happen to anyone, and the risk is always there. Not only should you drive well, but you should also ideally have other mitigation measures in place to help you deal with these unwanted events.

Factors Causing Traffic Accidents

There are many factors that trigger accidents, but they can be addressed appropriately to help reduce the risk. Some of them you can see in the brief explanation of each of the following points.

1. Human Negligence

Human negligence is one of the main factors, because basically every vehicle is driven by humans. Disobeying traffic laws, driving while drowsy or not at 100%, and many other factors contribute to this first factor.

It's important to make sure you're always fully concentrated when driving, to minimize the risk of human-caused traffic accidents. Even when you're careful, what other drivers do is totally out of your hands and responsibility, right?

2. Vehicle Condition

The second factor that can be the root of an accident is the condition of the vehicle. Ideally, the function of each part works well to support safety and comfort. But when a vehicle is rarely maintained and serviced, the possibility of malfunctions in some important parts such as brakes will increase the risk of accidents that might occur.

Brakes are basically used to reduce the speed of a vehicle when it is moving. When these parts malfunction, a driver is unable to reduce the speed of the vehicle, causing an accident. Not only brakes, but other parts such as smooth wheels, poorly lit lights, oil that has never been changed, and other damage can trigger accidents.

3. Road Conditions

Traffic accidents can occur on roads that are very smooth, or on roads that are of poor quality. Both qualities of road have their own risks.

On smooth, wide, straight roads, drivers usually have the urge to drive faster. Of course, the higher the speed of the vehicle, the higher the risk, even to the point of threatening safety.

Then on roads with poor quality, such as potholes, unevenness, or lack of clear markings, the risk is also high because it will greatly test the driving skills of a motorist.

Basically, each type of road has its own risks. The maturity and caution of every driver, just like you, should be the main concern to remain wise in driving regardless of the type of road.

4. Driving Too Fast

As mentioned in the third point, speed is a factor in the increased risk of traffic accidents. Fast-moving vehicles, whether motorcycles, cars, or other vehicles, have a greater risk of losing control.

The risk also increases with the vehicle itself, which can trigger malfunctions in some crucial parts. Again, the faster the vehicle is driven, the higher the risk.

Every road has a given maximum speed limit. These limits have been calculated, so as to increase the safety of motorists without compromising the driving comfort of everyone on the road.

5. Less than Optimal Lighting

Driving at night is also one of the factors that increase the risk of traffic accidents. The help of streetlights and lights from your vehicle will provide better visibility and visibility, making driving safer.

But when the roads are not well-lit, the risks increase. Ignorance of the terrain, the presence of other vehicles that do not have good visibility, and reduced visibility are risk factors that must be faced.

This is why when driving at night one is always advised to be careful, reduce speed, and prioritize safety more than when driving during the day.

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6. Not Understanding the Meaning of Traffic Signs

As mentioned earlier, traffic signs or road markings are installed with certain calculations on the conditions of the road being traveled. Basically, the signs are meant to inform road users about the road conditions ahead.

If there is no deep understanding of the meaning of traffic signs, it can be said that a driver will drive without knowing what he is going through. Especially on roads that have never been passed before, the risk of unwanted things will be even higher.

Ideally, every driver who already has a driver's license understands the traffic signs used on the road. You can also search for more information about traffic signs that exist and apply in Indonesia, so that you know more about the meaning of each sign posted by the authorities.

7. Weather Factors

As you may already know, the weather is one of the factors that affect the risk of traffic accidents. When heavy rain or storms occur, visibility will be reduced, roads become slippery, and large wind blasts reduce driving balance.

But did you know that overheating can also have an effect?

Hot weather causes high temperatures on roads, making it difficult for vehicle engines to regulate their temperature. In addition, too much sunlight can also trigger mirages that become illusions of light, making one's vision impaired.

Since the weather cannot be controlled, it is important that you always make sure your motorcycle or car is in top condition to deal with the various conditions encountered during your trip.

8. Overloading

Every vehicle has a clear maximum load. Although a car or other vehicle may look like it has plenty of space and can be used to load goods, you must still be careful to see the total maximum load that can be carried by the car. There is a higher risk for motorcycles when you drive with too much load. Apart from making the vehicle difficult to control and limiting your space, you also must deal with reduced balance and the risk of significantly increased width.

The bottom line is ride with a reasonable load that does not significantly increase the dimensions of the vehicle. At least this simple effort can help avoid the greater risk of traffic accidents.

9. Risk from Other Road Users

This ninth factor is completely out of your responsibility and power as a driver on the road. Even though you're taking the utmost care and driving safely, there are still risks and possible mistakes made by other drivers that can lead to accidents.

While this cannot be totally avoided, you can reduce the impact on your safety by always being vigilant. The right quick response to sudden conditions can really reduce the level of damage caused to the vehicle or other victims at the scene of the crime.

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Of the nine factors described above, there are things that come from the controllable points, and things that come from the uncontrollable points. Your job as a motorist on the road then is to always make sure what can be controlled is done to the maximum, to reduce the risk of accidents to the minimum point possible.

In addition to taking preventive measures based on the factors that cause traffic accidents above, you are also strongly encouraged to have the right mitigation measures in place. Having insurance for yourself and your vehicle will be crucial in this context, such as the insurance offered by AXA Insurance Indonesia. SmartDrive Insurance offered will provide protection to the car for the risk of breaking down, abrasions, dents, loss of keys, theft, and unwanted events on the road. You can also get towing services, new for old (replacement of lost cars), replacement of vehicle keys, to the replacement of third-party legal liability. Of course, for insurance for yourself and your family, AXA Insurance Indonesia also provides other insurance products that suit your needs. So, make sure to protect yourself, your family, and your vehicle with reliable insurance, such as AXA Insurance Indonesia for a more meaningful life!


  • https://www.detik.com/sumut/berita/d-7446371/kronologi-kecelakaan-yang-tewaskan-suami-jennifer-coppen
  • https://dephub.go.id/post/read/%E2%80%8Btekan-angka-kecelakaan-lalu-lintas,-kemenhub-ajak-masyarakat-beralih-ke-transportasi-umum-dan-utamakan-keselamatan-berkendara#:~:text=Peneliti%20Pusat%20Studi%20Transportasi%20dan,lingkungan%20jalan%2C%20dan%20faktor%20cuaca.
  • https://auto2000.co.id/berita-dan-tips/faktor-kecelakaan-lalu-lintas-tips
  • https://www.chubb.com/id-id/articles/personal/4-faktor-utama-penyebab-kecelakaan-lalu-lintas.html
  • https://www.rri.co.id/mudik-2024/632673/faktor-faktor-penyebab-kecelakaan-lalu-lintas
  • https://www.gardaoto.com/blog/faktor-penyebab-kecelakaan-lalu-lintas-yang-sebenarnya/
  • https://superyou.co.id/blog/gayahidup/faktor-kecelakaan-lalu-lintas/
  • https://www.astra-daihatsu.id/berita-dan-tips/penyebab-kecelakaan-lalu-lintas
  • https://databoks.katadata.co.id/datapublish/2023/02/09/hati-hati-di-jalan-ini-12-faktor-penyebab-kecelakaan-lalu-lintas