10 car spare parts that must be serviced regularly & their cost range

High mobility and comfort are the reasons why many people have a car as their mainstay vehicle. With good maintenance, you can enjoy driving comfort for a long time. This is why servicing and replacing car spare parts needs to be done regularly, because basically some spare parts will experience wear and tear with daily use.

Of course, quite a few of you who read this article feel that they have had routine servicing done occasionally. But do you know what spare parts are replaced, maintained, and serviced regularly?

So, here you can see a general overview of what car spare parts routinely need to be replaced during service, the price range, and the recommended normal usage before making a replacement.

So, let's look at the parts in question one by one, and replace them on time so as not to cause serious damage.

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1. Air Conditioner or AC

Having AC in your car is a great way to stay cool on hot days, especially in big cities. In situations like this, it's important to keep the AC in good shape and make sure it's being used properly.

It's best to check the controls on the AC components once every 10,000 to 20,000 km, depending on how much you use it daily. As a rule, you can expect to pay between IDR 100,000 and IDR 800,000 for AC servicing per component. This component includes things like adding freon, replacing freon, leak service, adding standing freon, replacing spare parts, flushing, and routine servicing.

2. Car Spark Plugs

The second component is the spark plug. It's on the small side but it's got an important job: getting the engine started so it can ignite. Over time, the spark plugs will get dirty, which will make it harder to start the car.

On top of that, spark plugs that have reached the end of their life will use more fuel, which means you'll spend more on mobility. As a rule of thumb, you can replace the spark plugs every 20,000 km or so, just to check their condition.

Spark plugs are affordable, costing between IDR 20,000 and IDR 250,000 depending on the type (standard, iridium, or platinum). Going forward, the total installation and replacement costs will be up to IDR 600,000.

3. Undercarriage

It's not something car drivers tend to think about, but when it gets damaged, it can be a big surprise in terms of costs. This car has a lot of parts that help it drive comfortably and safely. It's also worth mentioning that it's a good idea to have any existing components checked every 100,000 km or so, which is around five years of use.

The cost will depend on which parts are being serviced or replaced. For instance, tie rods typically cost between IDR 300,000 and IDR 600,000. Then, for example, a shock breaker could cost you anything between IDR 900,000 and IDR 2,200,000.

Of course, the price of spare parts between brands varies. It's best to consult the repair shop first.

4. Front and Rear Lights

It's not just about lighting. The lights in the car also play a big part in how visible the car is to other drivers on the road. If your car lights aren't working right, you're much more likely to be in an accident. And that can lead to some serious problems, including fatalities and big losses. That's why it's a good idea to have vehicle insurance, like Asuransi SmartDrive from AXA Insurance Indonesia. That way, you're covered in case something like this happens, and you can still control any losses that arise. On top of that, you could also find yourself facing legal issues if the lights aren't working properly.


There's no set distance or time frame for servicing and replacing front or rear lights. It's also important to check the electrical components of the lights regularly when servicing them.

Since there are so many different types of lighting technology out there, the price range is pretty wide. Standard bulb models start at around IDR 100,000, and for DRL lamps, for example, you can expect to pay around IDR 2,500,000 when you come to the workshop.

5. Car Tires

Since tires are one of the car's most visible spare parts when they wear out, it's a good idea to replace them regularly when the car is used frequently. Good tires give you optimal grip on the road so that your car doesn't slip easily.

It's not just about replacing tires. You can also treat your tires by having them spoored and balanced. This straightens out the position of the four wheels and balances them.

Spooring and balancing are pretty affordable, costing about IDR 10,000 to IDR 20,000 per tire and around IDR 150,000 for balancing.

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6. Clutch canvas

The main job of the clutch lining is to switch the power from the engine to the transmission system on and off. As a rule, you should replace the clutch lining once every 30,000 to 40,000 km. You'll know it's time for a replacement when you notice the car's acceleration slowing down or the transmission shifting becoming uncomfortable.

If the clutch lining is worn, it can make driving less comfortable and increase safety risks. The replacement cost will depend on the car you use, but it'll be somewhere between IDR 800,000 and IDR 2,000,000.

7. Brake Pads and Oil

It's important to slow down and keep things safe, so having a reliable brake system is key. So, it's important to think carefully about this car spare part and make sure it can always do its job well.

As the car is used, the brake linings will get thinner, and the amount of brake fluid will go down. For cars with manual transmission, you'll need to replace the brake linings between 60,000 km and 70,000 km of driving, while for automatic cars, it'll be around half that time.

The cost for replacing the brake linings is between IDR 350,000 and IDR 600,000, including replacement services. Meanwhile, you can expect to pay between IDR 200,000 and IDR 400,000 for brake fluid.

8. Air Filter

The air filter's job is to filter the air that goes into the car's combustion chamber, so that the right amount of oxygen can be obtained. You should also get it checked out every 18 months or 30,000 km.

If you take it to an official repair shop, you can expect to pay around IDR 150,000 for the service and replacement. The price can vary depending on the type of car and brand you use.

9. Battery

It's a good idea to have the battery checked after about two to five years, depending on the type and model you're using and how often you use it. As a rule, this part is always on the checklist during official service, so you know it's in good shape.

It's a key part of the car's electrical system, so it's responsible for starting the engine and turning on all the lights and other electrical devices. The price for servicing and replacing the battery also varies quite a bit, starting from around 500,000 rupiah and going up to millions of rupiah.

10. Change Oil and Filter

Finally, we'll change the oil and filter. These two-car spare parts help keep the car running well and make the engine friction smoother. If you don't have good oil, the engine will wear out quickly.

When you change the oil, you can also clean out any dirt or residue that's built up in the engine. On the other hand, replacing the filter is all about filtering out dirt so that the oil stays clean.

You can change the filters and oil depending on how things are going. As a rule of thumb, it's best to do these checks every 10,000 km. The costs are reasonable. You're looking at less than IDR 50,000 for filter replacement and IDR 700,000 or so for oil.

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Ideally, you should get your car serviced regularly, depending on how often you use it. Look at the picture above. Now, focus on the spare parts, replacement and service times, and the cost range. If you keep your car in good shape, you'll be less likely to have any major issues or sudden breakdowns while you're driving.

The key to avoiding damage is paying attention to the vehicles you use every day. But you also need to be prepared to deal with the risks that are always there, like damage, breakdowns, or anything else that could happen to your car. That's where the right vehicle insurance comes in. For instance, AXA Insurance Indonesia offers a product called Asuransi SmartDrive. This insurance will protect your car against accidents, scratches, dents, loss of keys, theft, and other unfortunate events while you're driving. AXA Insurance Indonesia offers quality, reliable insurance that provides maximum benefits to cover any inconvenience you may face while using your favorite car.


  • https://tirto.id/berapa-perkiraan-biaya-servis-ac-mobil-dan-tips-perawatannya-gXY4#google_vignette
  • https://wuling.id/id/blog/autotips/syarat-ganti-busi-mobil-harus-setiap-berapa-km
  • https://oto.detik.com/tips-and-tricks-mobil/d-7252993/biaya-servis-kaki-kaki-mobil-manfaat-dan-komponennya
  • https://www.olx.co.id/news/servis-lampu-drl-mobil-di-bengkel-yoong-motor-jakarta/
  • https://www.suzuki.co.id/tips-trik/ini-dia-estimasi-biaya-spooring-balancing-pada-ban-mobil?pages=all
  • https://auto2000.co.id/berita-dan-tips/berapa-kali-kampas-rem-diganti-tips
  • https://www.mobil123.com/berita/biaya-ganti-kampas-rem-mobil-nggak-mahal-kenali-ciri-cirinya/66758#:~:text=Mobil123.com%20sempat%20bertanya%2Dtanya,belum%20termasuk%20biaya%20jasa%20penggantian.
  • https://www.hyundai.com/id/id/hyundai-story/articles/cara-mengganti-minyak-rem-mobil-panduan-lengkap-dan-biaya-0000000305#:~:text=Biaya%20ganti%20minyak%20rem%20mobil%20bervariasi%20tergantung%20pada%20merk%20dan,minyak%20rem%20dan%20jasa%20perbaikan.
  • https://astraotoshop.com/article/biaya-ganti-kampas-kopling-mobil#:~:text=Secara%20umum%2C%20biaya%20penggantian%20kampas%20kopling%20mobil%20biasanya%20berkisar%20antara,atau%20model%20yang%20lebih%20eksklusif.
  • https://www.hondasurabayacenter.com/tips-trick/cukupkah-hanya-mengganti-oli-secara-rutin#:~:text=Saringan%20udara%20yang%20kotor%20menyebabkan,18%20bulan%20atau%2030.000%20Km*.
  • https://otospector.co.id/blog/pahami-servis-berkala-mobil-yang-wajib-dan-biayanya