6 Practical Tips for Choosing a Minimalist Kitchen Set, Check Here!

Choosing fixtures and furnishings for a new home is always fun and exciting, as it offers its own challenges. It's not only about the concept, but also the budget. This time let's look at some tips that can be useful for you in choosing a minimalist kitchen set that still has optimal functionality.

While furnishing the room, living room, and family room is no less important, the kitchen set itself is one of the major elements in a house because it will support the cooking process. Food and drinks that are processed and processed with love will clearly taste more delicious, while providing optimal nutritional support for each family member.

Some tips on choosing a minimalist kitchen set can be found below.

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1. Check the Size of the Kitchen

Minimalist kitchen sets will have a simple shape, but not so with the size. Many of the current kitchen set models have a very large size, or on the contrary, very compact.

Therefore, it is important that you measure the kitchen area where the kitchen set will be installed later. It doesn't matter if you want to install a larger or smaller size, but of course the best is the ideal size with the space in the kitchen, so that the appearance becomes harmonious.

For a kitchen set comparison with your own kitchen size, you can easily ask for recommendations from the architect who helped you build the house. Or if there is more budget, you can consult with an interior design agency so that the minimalist look you want to lift is even stronger.

2. Minimalist Kitchen Set Design Harmony

As the name suggests, a minimalist kitchen set design will certainly be in harmony if the concept of the house you have is also minimalist. This means that the harmonization between the accents in the kitchen and the overall shape and concept of the house will happen well.

It is not a big problem when your new house does not emphasize minimalism, but you want to use a kitchen with this style. But some adjustments are needed so that the transition of existing concepts does not feel too rough and still looks pleasing to the eye.

What is certain is that for a minimalist model, the kitchen will look compact, not too many decorations, and each side has a clear function. A simple look but still has maximum functionality, that's the true meaning of minimalism.

3. Custom or Manufactured Products

There are two big choices for the products to be used, namely custom kitchen set models that you can customize according to your needs and desires, or factory kitchen set models that already have their own shapes, sizes, and designs.

If you want a kitchen set that is truly customized, and you are ready to spend more, then a custom kitchen set model can be an option. Apart from providing flexibility in design, shape, and size, you can also really pour what you want into the product that will be made. The price is indeed higher than the manufacturer's product, but it can guarantee that what is installed really fits the size of the kitchen and your wishes.

Manufactured kitchen set products, on the other hand, provide simpler options. With the shapes, designs, and sizes already available, all you must do is choose which product is suitable and harmonious with your kitchen area and home. With reputable brands, there is a clear guarantee of quality and warranty, and this is also one of the points in addition to the ease of product selection provided.

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4. General Kitchen Set Capacity

In choosing a minimalist model kitchen set, make sure you also consider the capacity that can be accommodated by the space provided. Especially if you already have various cooking utensils that you want to store in the kitchen.

If you just choose a product with a compact size, items that should be in the kitchen may not be able to be stored in the desired place. Therefore, make sure you know what items you want to store in this kitchen set, so you can choose products with sufficient capacity.

This fourth point can be ignored, if you already have other storage areas that can be used for various cooking utensils and kitchen appliances that can be used.

5. Quality of Materials Used

Not just paying attention to the design, size, and shape, you must also be careful in paying attention to the materials used in each kitchen set product that will be installed. This will determine whether the product you use is durable.

Some types of materials are clearly superior to other materials, although they must be rewarded with higher prices. But for kitchen sets, it is highly recommended to use products with high quality materials, in addition to having good durability, it also has a guarantee on hygiene and does not contaminate food ingredients or cooking utensils that you have.

Minimalism doesn't mean it's made of materials that are of perfunctory quality. Precisely because the models used tend to be simple, the materials chosen must also be superior materials so that the shape and modern impression displayed lasts a long time.

6. Required Budget

Finally, to get a quality minimalist kitchen set, you must also prepare the appropriate budget. Don't get me wrong, even though the appearance is simple and looks easy to make, but kitchen sets with this model ideally have a high price.

A special budget allocation should be considered early on, so that the costs incurred will not swell. It will be better if you already have a separate budget that will be allocated for the kitchen, so that you avoid unpleasant incidents related to impulse purchases and only according to momentary desires.

Financial management is important for this, and for the house. Your home will be your home for a long time, so everything in it needs to be carefully thought out, planned, and executed so that you don't regret it later.

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The six tips for choosing a minimalist kitchen set above can hopefully be useful reading for those of you who have just owned a house. After carefully conceptualizing and planning, it's just a matter of time to execute the purchase and installation, so that the house is more perfect and comfortable to live in.

In addition to tips on choosing the right minimalist kitchen set, you should also open your eyes to residential insurance matters. Not without reason, the risk of unwanted things happening related to the house must be addressed wisely so that the potential losses that arise can be minimized. PT AXA Insurance Indonesia offers its flagship product for residential protection, SmartHome Insurance. This product will provide protection for property, goods, and property against loss or damage. You can immediately check the details on the related link and start using it for your new home. Plan carefully, and always provide maximum protection for your home and loved ones in it with AXA Insurance Indonesia!


  • https://www.ciputra.ac.id/5-tips-memilih-kitchen-set-yang-sesuai-kebutuhan/
  • https://www.adira.co.id/detail_berita/metalink/10-tips-memilih-kitchen-set-estetik-cantik-fungsional-dan-sesuai-budget
  • https://www.bramblefurniture.com/journal/tips-memilih-kitchen-set-dapur-rumah/
  • https://www.tokopedia.com/blog/inspirasi-desain-kitchen-set-minimalis-hlv/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic
  • https://www.fimela.com/lifestyle/read/5400037/5-tips-memilih-kitchen-set-yang-sempurna-agar-terlihat-estetik
  • https://www.detik.com/properti/tips-dan-panduan/d-7354587/tips-cara-pilih-kitchen-set-yang-cocok-anti-rayap-dan-jamur
  • https://www.ruparupa.com/ms/artikel-tips-memilih-kitchen-set
  • https://www.kitchensetminimalis.id/kitchen-set-minimalis/
  • https://www.rancangmebel.com/artikel/4-bahan-terbaik-untuk-kitchen-set-minimalis