8 Frugal Vacation Tips that You Can Apply, Check the Points!

Everyone always looks forward to a vacation to re-energize and clear their minds after all the routine. No wonder the planning is made so carefully in order to produce an exciting experience. But did you know that an exciting vacation doesn't have to be expensive? There are so many frugal vacation tips that can be used so that your expenses during the holidays don't become another headache to think about!

However, you don't have to cut a lot of agendas or totally limit the tourist destinations you go to. This is where the fun lies, you can still vacation comfortably but not spend a lot of money, as long as your agenda is really planned in detail.

Read More: 6 Simple Steps to Create an Itinerary to Avoid Over Budget Vacation

8 Frugal Vacation Tips for Your Agenda

Well, some frugal vacation tips will be shared in this short article. Because they are tips, you can apply them, or even modify these tips to be more in line with the vacation you want.

So here are some vacation tips that you can look at so that your expenses are more controlled and not wasteful.

1. First Tip, Vacation Not in Peak Season

Tickets and accommodation tend to increase in price during the holiday season or on red dates. Indeed, this means you must avoid the vacation moments that most people enjoy, but by doing this you can reduce expenses quite significantly.

Although at the end of 2024 or during the Christmas and New Year holidays there is a new policy on reducing airplane ticket prices, when compared to prices on weekdays it will still have a hefty difference.

2. Make a Detailed Expenditure Plan

It takes some time to be able to compile all the agendas that you want to do in detail and completely. This includes finding information on the cost or price of each agenda that will be carried out.

If you can arrange all these agendas in detail down to the expenses that will be made, and stick to them, then your vacation budget can be truly efficient. Well, you can still give a little leeway for extra comfort to make your vacation more memorable. But keep your spending under control and be disciplined!

3. Book Tickets in Advance

For tickets and accommodation, book as far in advance as possible. This can help you to get a more economical price, with the same schedule and destination. Booking tickets or accommodation closer to the day of departure will result in higher prices.

Of course, this is a challenge, because it means that you must have solidified your departure plans since a few weeks before the D-day. But ideally, if there are no sudden schedule changes, booking tickets long ago will not be a problem.

4. Take advantage of Promos and Discounts

During the holiday season, promos and discounts are usually quite easy to find. Whether through specialized ticket booking platforms or other similar platforms, promos are given in the context of certain celebrations or momentum.

If you are careful enough, then the discounts you get can really be felt. Not only that, promos also sometimes come in the form of other benefits that also add to the excitement of the vacation. If you are careful enough to look for promos and combine them, you can get the maximum benefit from the existing promos.

Read More: 8 Tips for Booking Hotels More Economically and Carefully with Promos!

5. The Right Travel Destination

Most tourist destinations in various places require an entrance fee. However, there are also many that can be accessed for free, which will reduce the total expenses you need.

Remember, a vacation doesn't have to be in a luxurious, fancy, or expensive place. More often than not, a great vacation comes from more affordable destinations, hidden gems, and focusing on what you're doing during your free time.

6. Always Bring Snacks

Well, this sixth tip is actually quite optional. But for the record, just bringing a refillable water bottle will provide a considerable reduction in expenses. You can fill up this water bottle at the hotel or homestay where you are staying, or at other public facilities that you visit.

It's a simple step, but it brings multiple benefits. Firstly, you can save money, and secondly, you can reduce the waste of disposable drinking bottles.

7. Complete Your Trip with Travel Insurance

Many assume that Travel Insurance is an additional cost that is not needed. But in fact, by having the right Travel Insurance, you can be protected from various losses and risks that arise during the holidays.

Starting from travel cost protection, medical cost protection, baggage loss protection, flight delays, and other protections and benefits according to the policy, can be a 'safety net' when these unpleasant risks occur.

Practically, having the ideal travel insurance, such as Domestic SmartTravel Insurance from PT AXA Insurance Indonesia, will prevent you from spending more during the conditions mentioned above.

8. Always Carry Cash

In the current era, cashless transactions are indeed the main option provided in many places and attractions. However, one of the frugal vacation tips that has proven to be quite effective in reducing expenses is to bring enough cash.

Why is that?

Because by bringing cash you can know exactly the spending limits that have been planned for this vacation. Cashless transactions sometimes give the impression that you can always buy or pay for transactions without seeing the total expenditure, thus making you biased in measuring the expenses made.

Travel Insurance, Crucial for Unplanned Conditions

Going back to the seventh point of the frugal vacation tips above, the right travel insurance can really protect you from unplanned expenses. Disruptions and inconveniences that arise can mean an overrun of the vacation budget, which will obviously be a burden for what should be fun.

This is why it's important to equip your vacation with the right travel insurance. The easiest indicators to see are clear coverage and benefits, easy claims, and a fast and practical process to purchase.

Read More: 6 Year-End Vacation Ideas Plus Recommendations, it’ll be Fun!

AXA Insurance Indonesia presents one of its flagship products, Asuransi SmartTravel Domestik,, which you can use to complete your budget vacation tips this time. With complete benefits, your vacation will feel more comfortable and calmer because you don't need to worry about dealing with unplanned conditions. You can check out the full explanation on the related link, or easily contact AXA Insurance Indonesia's customer service (call centre 1500733 or email customer.general@axa.co.id) . May your agenda run smoothly, and happy holidays!


  • https://www.tempo.co/hiburan/liburan-tak-harus-mahal-tips-menyusun-liburan-akhir-tahun-hemat-dan-menyenangkan-1178275
  • https://www.idntimes.com/travel/destination/regina-pangestika/tips-liburan-hemat-akhir-tahun-bersama-keluarga-c1c2?page=all
  • https://kumparan.com/jendela-dunia/5-tips-liburan-hemat-akhir-tahun-bersama-keluarga-yang-menyenangkan-23zKji17H3I/4
  • https://travel.kompas.com/read/2022/11/27/100603327/8-tips-liburan-akhir-tahun-agar-murah-meski-high-season?page=all
  • https://www.cnnindonesia.com/gaya-hidup/20221129165911-269-880422/8-tips-agar-liburan-akhir-tahun-kamu-nyaman-dan-gak-bikin-boros
  • https://voi.id/lifestyle/441746/tips-liburan-akhir-tahun-dengan-hemat-dan-praktis
  • https://www.rri.co.id/hiburan/1178767/agar-liburan-akhir-tahun-tetap-hemat-begini-tipsnya
  • https://swa.co.id/read/453511/ada-online-travel-fair-tokopedia-bagi-5-tips-liburan-akhir-tahun-hemat--lancar
  • https://www-forbes-com.translate.goog/sites/judykoutsky/2024/10/07/why-you-should-or-shouldnt-get-travel-insurance/?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=id&_x_tr_hl=id&_x_tr_pto=sge